Course Prefixes
The following symbols designate subjects in the various Colleges, Schools, Divisions, and Departments:
Accounting | ACCT |
Aerospace Studies | AERS |
Africana Studies | AFST |
American Studies | AMST |
Anthropology | ANTH |
Arabic | LARB |
Art-Studio | ARTS |
Art History | ARTH |
Asian Studies | ASIA |
Astronomy | ASTR |
Biology | BIOL |
Business Administration | SOBA |
Business Law | BLAW |
Business Systems Analysis | BSAN |
Chemistry | CHEM |
Chinese | CHIN |
Communication and Media Studies | COMM |
Computer Information Systems | CINF |
Computer Science | CSCI |
Counselling | COUN |
Creative Arts | CREA |
Cybersecurity | CSEC |
Digital Arts | DIGA |
Economics | ECON |
Education | EDUC |
English | ENGL |
English-Creative Writing | ENCW |
Entrepreneurship | ENTP |
Environmental Science and Studies | ENSS |
Family Business | FENT |
Finance | FINA |
First-Year Seminar | FSEM |
Foreign Language | LANG |
French | FREN |
Gender Studies | GEND |
German | GERM |
History | HIST |
Honors | HONR |
Health Science | HLSC |
Human Resource Management | HRMT |
International Business | INTL |
International Studies | INSU |
Italian | ITAL |
Jewish Studies | JWST |
Journalism | JOUR |
Language | LANG |
Latin American and Latino Studies | LALS |
Law | LAW |
Linguistics | LING |
Management | MGMT |
Marketing | MKTG |
Mathematics | MATH |
Military Science | MILS |
Music | MUSC |
Music-Applied | MUSA |
Music Education | MUED |
Music-Ensemble | MUSE |
Music Experience | MUSX |
Philosophy | PHIL |
Physics | PHYS |
Political Science | POLI |
Portuguese | PORT |
Pre-Health | PRHP |
Professional Sales | SALS |
Psychology | PSYC |
Public Health | PUBH |
Religious Studies | RELS |
Russian | RUSS |
Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies | REES |
Sociology | SOCI |
Social Science - Interdisciplinary | SSCI |
Spanish | SPAN |
Sport Business | SPTB |
Statistics | STAT |
Sustainable Food Systems | FOOD |
Theatre Arts | THEA |
World Languages and Cultures | WLGC |
Course credit may appear as credits or units; one unit is equivalent to 4 credits.
Course numbers indicate the level: lower division - 100 and 200; upper-division - 300 and 400; graduate division - 500 and 600. The numbers in parenthesis following the title of a course state the number of units or credits.
Degree requirements may be fulfilled for courses listed in this Catalog by showing proficiency at an acceptable level - a level not higher than that expected of a student in a regular course. No credit or grade is earned. See the Dean of the College or School for more information.