Course Prefixes

The following symbols designate subjects in the various Colleges, Schools, Divisions, and Departments:

Accounting ACCT
Aerospace Studies AERS
Africana Studies AFST
American Studies AMST
Anthropology ANTH
Arabic LARB
Art-Studio ARTS
Art History ARTH
Asian Studies ASIA
Astronomy ASTR
Biology BIOL
Business Administration SOBA
Business Law BLAW
Business Systems Analysis BSAN
Chemistry CHEM
Chinese CHIN
Communication and Media Studies COMM
Computer Information Systems CINF
Computer Science CSCI
Counselling COUN
Creative Arts CREA
Cybersecurity CSEC
Digital Arts DIGA
Economics ECON
Education EDUC
English ENGL
English-Creative Writing ENCW
Entrepreneurship ENTP
Environmental Science and Studies ENSS
Family Business FENT
Finance FINA
First-Year Seminar FSEM
Foreign Language LANG
French FREN
Gender Studies GEND
German GERM
History HIST
Honors HONR
Health Science HLSC
Human Resource Management HRMT
International Business INTL
International Studies INSU
Italian ITAL
Jewish Studies JWST
Journalism JOUR
Language LANG
Latin American and Latino Studies LALS
Linguistics LING
Management MGMT
Marketing MKTG
Mathematics MATH
Military Science MILS
Music MUSC
Music-Applied MUSA
Music Education MUED
Music-Ensemble MUSE
Music Experience MUSX
Philosophy PHIL
Physics PHYS
Political Science POLI
Portuguese PORT
Pre-Health PRHP
Professional Sales SALS
Psychology PSYC
Public Health PUBH
Religious Studies RELS
Russian RUSS
Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies REES
Sociology SOCI
Social Science - Interdisciplinary SSCI
Spanish SPAN
Sport Business SPTB
Statistics STAT
Sustainable Food Systems FOOD
Theatre Arts THEA
World Languages and Cultures WLGC

Course credit may appear as credits or units; one unit is equivalent to 4 credits.

Course numbers indicate the level: lower division - 100 and 200; upper-division - 300 and 400; graduate division - 500 and 600. The numbers in parenthesis following the title of a course state the number of units or credits.

Degree requirements may be fulfilled for courses listed in this Catalog by showing proficiency at an acceptable level - a level not higher than that expected of a student in a regular course. No credit or grade is earned. See the Dean of the College or School for more information.