German (GERM)


GERM 101. Elementary German I. 1 Unit.

For students who have had no previous German or whose examination scores indicate 101 placement. This course creates the foundation for the acquisition of speaking, listening, writing and reading skills in German. Cultural topics will be an integral part of the language learning. Offered every fall semester. Not available to native speakers.

GERM 102L. Beginning German II. 1 Unit.

For students who have completed GERM 101 or whose examination scores indicate 102 placement. As a continuation of GERM 101, this course focuses on the further acquisition and development of basic German language skills and expanding the foundation for cultural competency toward the German speaking countries. Offered every spring semester. Not available to native speakers.

GERM 190. Special Topics in German Language and Literature. 1 Unit.

GERM 201. Intermediate German. 1 Unit.

GERM 201L. Intermediate German Practice I. 1 Unit.

This course aims to strengthen and expand students’ basic language skills for more diversified and complex grammatical structures. This course will focus on strengthening skills in grammatically correct oral and written discourse. Prerequisite: GERM 102L, or appropriate placement score, or Instructor's permission. Offered every Spring semester. Note: Not available to native German speakers. GERM 201L and GERM 202L can be taken out of sequence.

GERM 202L. Intermediate German Practice II. 1 Unit.

This course aims to strengthen and expand students’ basic language skills for more diversified and complex communicative purposes and a more diverse vocabulary. This course will focus on expanding students’ active vocabulary in oral and written discourse as well as active engagement with texts from a wide spectrum of media. Prerequisites: GERM 102L, or appropriate placement score, or Instructor's permission. Offered every Spring semester. Note: Not available to native German speakers. GERM 201L and and GERM 202L can be taken out of sequence.

GERM 203B. Transcultural Migrations: Africa in Western Cultures. 1 Unit.

GERM 285. Independent Study. 0.5 or 1 Units.

GERM 290. Special Topics in German Language and Literature. 1 Unit.

GERM 301L. Advanced German I. 1 Unit.

Emphasis on developing an advanced level of proficiency especially in writing and conversation skills. This course will focus on the appropriate use of idiomatic German, as well as on variations in syntax and style. Prerequisite: GERM 202L or permission of instructor.

GERM 302L. Advanced German II. 1 Unit.

A continuation of the structure and goals of GERM 301 with a strong emphasis on issues in modern German culture. Students will engage in analysis of different cultural phenomena and practices in German speaking countries. Prerequisite: GERM 301L or permission of instructor.

GERM 304B. Modern German Culture (in English). 1 Unit.

Taught in English. Open to all students. This course will emphasize aspects of German culture from a historical perspective. Literary and other cultural documents as well as examples in the visual arts and in music will introduce students to diverse aspects of modern Germany as it developed into a multicultural nation. Writing enhanced course.

GERM 305A. Contemporary German Cinema. 1 Unit.

An examination of contemporary German cinema within an interdisciplinary context. The course provides students with the opportunity to grow familiar with German cinema while simultaneously studying German history, literature, and politics as part of its discourse. In English. Can be repeated for different course content. Course can only count once toward major or minor.

GERM 306B. From Division to Reunification. The New Germany. 1 Unit.

The course outlines the post-war social and cultural developments of the two Germanys until re-unification and addresses questions related to a re-orientation in cultural practices and products (film, literature, art and architecture) in the New Germany. The course will include excursions to Berlin, Weimar and other sites of interest as they relate to the course content. In English.

GERM 307V. Migrations: The Culture of Border Crossings. 1 Unit.

This course focuses on Stetson's Human Diversity Value. Focus on migration to German-speaking countries. Using film, literature and other cultural documents, the course explores border crossings and migrations as concepts and movements that question dominant definitions of political, social, and cultural demarcations and asks questions about the possibilities of creating different personal and collective identities and affiliations that grow out of living in a social and cultural diaspora. Junior Seminar.

GERM 308V. Politics of Memory: Slavery, Colonialism, and the Holocaust in Art, Literature, and Film. 1 Unit.

This course focuses on Stetson's Social Justice Value. This junior seminar explores representations of slavery, colonialism, and the Holocaust in literature, film, and the arts. Focusing on the United States and Germany, we will examine how both societies have repressed, displaced, or come to terms with their violent pasts from a comparative perspective. We will analyze current struggles over competing forms of public memory as manifested in the heated debates about demolished statues, contested school curricula, and controversial art exhibitions. Course materials include texts by Toni Morrison, Paul Celan, and Simon J Ortiz; films by Steve McQueen, Claude Lanzmann, and Alanis Obomsawin; music by Bob Marley and Nas, as well as TV shows like Atlanta and Reservation Dogs. Junior Seminar.

GERM 309V. Now Is the Time of Monsters! Politics and Psychoanalysis. 1 Unit.

This course focuses on Stetson's Social Justice Value. The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born: Now is the time of monsters,” the Italian philosopher Gramsci wrote after being imprisoned by the Fascist regime in 1926. Inspired by Gramsci’s suggestion that times of political uncertainty are characterized by monstrosity, this junior seminar investigates the meaning of monsters in our current political moment as well as historically. The human being may be “the political animal,” as philosophers have claimed, but is this animal acting rationally, or are we driven by unconscious forces of desire and aggression, as psychoanalysts have argued? With Western democracies in crisis, developing answers to these questions is more urgent than ever. We will engage with classics of psychoanalysis and political theory (Freud, Adorno, Deleuze, Butler), analyze products of popular culture like blockbuster movies and pop music (David Cronenberg, Taylor Swift), and explore radical responses to “the culture industry” in countercultural artistic production (underground poetry, experimental film). Junior Seminar. Taught in English.

GERM 341V. Werewolves, Witches, Vampires: Imagining Capital Globally. 1 Unit.

This course focuses on Stetson's Social Justice Value. Globalized capitalism poses a challenge to the human imagination. How are we to imagine the abstract structures and anonymous forces of global capital that shape our relation to the world as well as our innermost desires? The history of capitalism is populated with monsters. In novels, films, and philosophical texts from different parts of the world, the forces of capital take on the form of werewolves, zombies, and vampires, or are explained as fetishism, witchcraft, and demonological possession. This Junior Seminar examines these monsters of the market in classics from the critical analysis of capitalism (Marx, Weber, Benjamin) as well as in novels and films from the former Soviet Union (Eisenstein), the Middle East (Munif), Sub-Saharan Africa (Okri, Mda), South Asia (Devi), the Caribbean (Walcott), and the Americas (DeLillo, Silko). Class materials range from literary and philosophical texts to commercials to blockbuster Hollywood productions like The Walking Dead or The Twilight Saga. Taught in English. Junior Seminar.

GERM 342V. Politics of Memory: Slavery, Colonialism, and the Holocaust in Art, Literature, and Film. 1 Unit.

This course focuses on Stetson's Social Justice Value. Explores representations of slavery, colonialism, and the Holocaust in literature, film, and the arts. Focusing on the United States and Germany, we will examine how both societies have repressed, displaced, or come to terms with their violent pasts from a comparative perspective. We will analyze current struggles over competing forms of public memory as manifested in the heated debates about demolished statues, contested school curricula, and controversial art exhibitions. Course materials include texts by Toni Morrison, Paul Celan, and Simon J Ortiz; films by Steve McQueen, Claude Lanzmann, and Alanis Obomsawin; music by Bob Marley and Nas, as well as TV shows like Atlanta and Reservation Dogs. Junior Seminar.

GERM 385. Independent Study. 0.5 or 1 Units.

GERM 390. Special Topics in German Language and Literature. 1 Unit.

The goal of this course will be to attain fluency of the German language at the idiomatic and stylistic level and to acquire the language strategies for understanding and utilizing nuanced constructions. The specific topic of this course will vary, but it will always have a cultural emphasis (Germans and the environment, Germany as a multicultural nation, an historical event or period). The topic will be examined utilizing a variety of texts (literature, poetry, biography) and media sources (print, television, film). Prerequisite: GERM 302L.

GERM 395. Teaching Apprenticeship. 0.5 Units.

Pass/Fail only. A teaching apprenticeship gives a student insight into the methodological aspects of teaching a class in Modern Languages. It consists in class observations, goals and strategies discussions with the instructor, and some teaching responsibilities in and out of the classroom. The apprenticeship is arranged by mutual agreement between the faculty member and the student. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. May be repeated once.

GERM 397. Internship in German. 0.5 or 1 Units.

A student-initiated internship where skills in German can be developed. Prerequisites: completion of GERM 201L and permission of instructor and chair. Enrollment in an internship course requires students to attend an orientation prior to beginning work at their internship site. For more information regarding internship orientations, please contact Career & Professional Development at or 386-822-7315.

GERM 402L. Studies in German Literature. 1 Unit.

This course is organized around a specific theme or literary period, a genre or a selected author or group of authors in German speaking countries. It is designed to strengthen and expand students’ skills in critical analysis of literary texts.

GERM 404. Voices from the East and West: German Women Writers. 1 Unit.

The course focuses on a comparative analysis of women’s literature in East and West Germany. It addresses questions related to diverse narrative perspectives and themes and relates these differences to women’s experiences within the radically different socio-political and cultural realities of East and West Germany. It will also examine changes and continuities after German re-unification. Taught in English.

GERM 485. Independent Study. 0.5 or 1 Units.

GERM 490. Special Topics in German Language and Literature. 1 Unit.

GERM 499. Senior Project. 1 Unit.