Human Resource Management (HRMT)
HRMT 308. Human Resource Management. 1 Unit.
This class provides students with a survey of the field of human resource management (HRM). Specifically, students will acquire knowledge of the processes, practices, and systems that support the strategic direction of the business through acquiring, training and development, appraising, and compensating employees, as well as attending to labor relations, health and safety, and fairness concerns in the workplace. Students will learn the centrality of effective human resource management to employee satisfaction and productivity, as well as to maximizing competitiveness and to attaining organizational goals.
HRMT 320. Recruitment and Selection. 1 Unit.
Attracting, selecting, and retaining employees are essential human resource management activities that contribute to an organization’s success. This course provides an overview of workforce planning, job analysis and design, recruitment and selection processes, legal and compliance issues, and retention and succession planning strategies. Students will learn the role of talent management in creating a high-performing workforce and supporting organizational goals. Prerequisite: HRMT 308.
HRMT 321. Employment Law. 1 Unit.
In this course, students will learn the fundamentals of labor and employment law and will explore the roles and responsibilities of employers and unions. Students will study the law regulating the employer-employee relationship and questions of public policy relating to employment litigation. This course also surveys the law governing disputes between employers and employees, with an emphasis on federal statutes. Prerequisite: MGMT 308 or BLAW 407 or BLAW 408.
HRMT 322. Managing Employee Performance and Learning. 1 Unit.
Human capital is a vital driver of an organization’s ability to execute its strategies and establish a sustainable competitive advantage. The performance management and learning processes selected and implemented by an organization play a critical role in aligning organizational goals to employees’ performance and leveraging human capital capabilities to achieve those goals. This course is designed to provide students with an in-depth study of the concepts, processes, and issues associated with managing performance and learning in the workplace. Attention will be given to planning, designing, implementing, and evaluating performance management systems and learning efforts. Prerequisite: HRMT 308.
HRMT 397. Human Resource Management Internship. 1 Unit.
This course provides students the opportunity to work within an organization that agrees to provide them with significant managerial work and support during the internship period. Full time internships require 200 hours (1-unit) within a semester time frame. A maximum of one unit of internship credit may be applied towards the BBA degree requirements. Prerequisite: MGMT 308 and one 300-level HRMT course; Major/minor in School of Business Administration, minimum GPA of 2.0 in major, permission of Internship Director or Management Chair. Enrollment in an internship course requires students to attend an orientation prior to beginning work at their internship site. For more information regarding internship orientations, please contact Career & Professional Development at or 386-822-7315.
HRMT 420. Managing Compensation and Benefits. 1 Unit.
Organizations can utilize total compensation to attract, retain, and motivate qualified employees. Accordingly, compensation and benefit practices receive considerable attention from executives, human resource professionals, managers, and employees. Therefore, human resource professionals must be aware of the complexities of managing external, internal, and individual equity issues associated with compensation and benefits systems. In this course, students will be introduced to multidisciplinary theories that serve as the foundation of these systems and will explore the dimensions of total compensation design, administration, and maintenance. Attention will be given to principles underlying successful compensation systems, including internal alignment, external competitiveness, pay-for-performance, and other incentive and reward systems. Students will develop a practical and comprehensive understanding of compensation and benefits, as well as applied skills in making compensation decisions and examining issues total compensation administration. Prerequisite: MGMT 308.
HRMT 425. Strategic Human Resource Management. 1 Unit.
As the final course in the Human Resource Management curriculum, this experience provides an opportunity to integrate and apply the human resource principles and practices to resolve complex organizational challenges or to enhance organizational performance. Students will integrate their knowledge of HR functional areas to develop strategic solutions and opportunities. To these ends, students will engage in strategic planning, the evaluation of organizational change initiatives, and will demonstrate the leadership, interpersonal, and business competencies required of successful HR professionals. Using a Human Resource Management Simulation, issues pertaining to recruitment and selection, compensation and benefits, training and development, performance management, and compliance will be presented. Supplemental assignments will provide opportunities to engage strategic planning and organizational change initiatives. Prerequisite: HRMT 308, HRMT 320, HRMT 321, HRMT 322, HRMT 420.