Management (MGMT)


MGMT 190. Special Topics in Management. 1 Unit.

MGMT 285. Independent Study. 0.5 or 1 Units.

MGMT 290. Special Topics in Management. 1 Unit.

MGMT 297. Introductory Internship. 0.5 to 1 Units.

This course is designed as an introductory internship for students who have not yet taken content-area courses (e.g., accounting, marketing, etc.), but want to gain early experience in an internship setting. Students will work within an organization that agrees to provide an opportunity to develop the professional competencies introduced in SOBA 205 - Professional Communications. Full time internships require 200 hours (1-unit) or 100 hours (.5 unit) within a semester time frame. Prerequisite: SOBA 205; Major/minor in School of Business; minimum GPA of 2.5 in major; permission of Internship Faculty and Management Chair. Enrollment in an internship course requires students to attend an orientation prior to beginning work at their internship site. For more information regarding internship orientations, please contact Career & Professional Development at or 386-822-7315.

MGMT 303. Evidence-Based Management. 1 Unit.

Evidence-based management means making managerial decisions based on the best available evidence. Managers are often influenced by habit, fads, convention, and unrealistic levels of confidence. This course helps students rethink their approach to information and the decision making process and develop skills and knowledge needed to identify, gather, critically appraise, and apply evidence of different forms to decision-making. Prerequisite: SOBA 201 or BSAN 111 and SOBA 202.

MGMT 305. Management and Leadership. 1 Unit.

This course is designed to give you a broad overview of management and leadership, as well as provide you with information and insights about yourself and others that will help you become a more effective professional and manager and to help you to thrive in both individual and team environments. To help you develop the competencies you will need to be successful, you will be introduced to theories and principles that are important for successfully managing organizations and be exposed to tools, techniques, and ideas that are important for understanding the fundamentals of strategic planning in a dynamic business environment. Additionally, you will be exposed to methods of organizing, controlling, developing, and measuring resources, including techniques for leading, motivating and developing diverse teams.

MGMT 306. Organizational Behavior. 1 or 1.25 Unit.

Organizational behavior is a field of study that seeks to understand, explain, and improve human behavior in organizations. Successful organizations focus their efforts on improving aspects of human behavior such as job performance and organizational commitment. This course will guide students through a model that seeks to explain such areas of organizational behavior and will prepare students to apply knowledge of individual, group, and organizational mechanisms to effectively lead and manage in the workplace.

MGMT 307. Managing Innovation. 1 Unit.

Organizational design refers to the way that an organization structures and aligns its people and resources. Students will construct an organizational design by developing and testing key assumptions using the lean start-up methodology and business modeling practices. A business model is a logical and internally consistent representation of the design and operations of a business, capturing the essence of how it will be focused and demonstrating how an interrelated set of decision variables will be addressed to create, deliver and capture value. Prerequisite: SOBA 202 or MGMT 305.

MGMT 385. Independent Study. 0.5 or 1 Units.

MGMT 390. Special Topics in Management. 0.5 or 1 Units.

MGMT 395. Teaching Apprenticeship. 0.5 Units.

MGMT 397. Management Internship. 0.5 or 1 Units.

This course provides students the opportunity to work within an organization that agrees to provide them with significant managerial work and support during the internship period. Full time internships require 200 hours (1-unit) or 100 hours (.5 unit) within a semester time frame. A maximum of one unit of internship credit may be applied towards the BBA degree requirements. Prerequisite: SOBA 202 or MGMT 305; Major/minor in School of Business Administration, minimum GPA of 2.5 in major, permission of Internship Director or Management Chair. Enrollment in an internship course requires students to attend an orientation prior to beginning work at their internship site. For more information regarding internship orientations, please contact Career & Professional Development at or 386-822-7315.

MGMT 400. Enhancing Organizational Creativity and Innovation. 1 Unit.

This class will focus on helping students understand the established concepts that serve as foundation for individual and organizational creativity, while giving them multiple tools to enhance their own personal creativity. Study will also focus on how individuals and organizations inhibit creative expression, on liberating personal creativity, and on building organizational cultures where“out of the box” thinking and innovation are encouraged, rewarded, and appreciated. Class materials will be drawn from “cutting edge” sources on creativity and innovation. Prerequisite: SOBA 202 or MGMT 305.

MGMT 409V. Managerial Ethics, Sustainability, and the Future. 1 Unit.

This course focuses on Stetson's Ethical or Spiritual Inquiry Value. This highly experiential class will use a modular structure to study four key arenas that directly lead to effective, ethical and responsible individual and managerial decision-making: 1) High levels of self-awareness; 2) Understanding of functional and dysfunctional organizational patterns; 3) Appreciation of “big picture, futurist” thinking and practice; and 4) Sensitivity to technological advance and its consequences. Focus will all consider the differences between the traditional paradigm of management and the new paradigm that is emerging in the world’s best organizations. Note: Counts as a Spiritual and Ethical Inquiry course for any major except Management. Prerequisite: SOBA 202 or MGMT 305.

MGMT 410. Research in Managerial Ethics. 1 Unit.

Managers must be aware of all stakeholder interests in today’s rapidly changing global environment. This course focuses on principles and core concepts of managerial ethics and corporate social responsibility. In this highly experiential writing intensive course, students will study contemporary research on managerial ethics and conduct a study on these concepts and practices (e.g., ethical decision-making, corporate culture, corporate social responsibility, ethics and marketing, environmental sustainability, etc.). The final class project will be the development of a scholarly research paper analyzing a contemporary ethical management and/or social responsibility problem. Prerequisite: SOBA 209V. Writing Enhanced course.

MGMT 430. Advanced Leadership Development. 1 Unit.

In this course, students will be introduced to leadership “best practices” that promote optimal performance in those that they lead. Consideration will be given to transformational and servant leadership approaches, the relationship between personal effectiveness and leadership, social intelligence and leadership, and how leaders’ assumptions and behaviors affect the motivation, satisfaction, commitment and performance of employees. Prerequisite: SOBA 202 or MGMT 305.

MGMT 465. Leading Organizational Change and Development. 1 Unit.

As all organizations are challenged to manage change, managers who successfully address change can lead their organizations to higher productivity levels and success. This course will offer students multiple “frames” and mental models to “see and understand” organizational dynamics and change processes. Study will also address effective ways to create change energy and ways to overcome resistance to change. Prerequisite: SOBA 202 or MGMT 305.

MGMT 485. Independent Study. 0.5 or 1 Units.

MGMT 490. Special Topics in Management. 1 Unit.

MGMT 495. Strategic Management. 1 Unit.

This course presents a real-world concept of Business Administration that relates and integrates the principles and problems studied in the various “functional” fields from a corporate management perspective. Students use skills of close reading, careful observation, critical analysis, and persuasive writing to demonstrate integration of learning. The goal is to demonstrate applied and/or critical problem-solving to real world case studies. Prerequisites: ACCT 201, SOBA 201, SOBA 202, SOBA 203 and STAT 301Q; or MGMT 305, FINA 311, MKTG 315, ACCT 211 and BSAN 250. Requires Senior standing. Capstone course. Must be taken at Stetson University.

MGMT 500. Current Issues in Management. 2 or 3 Credits.

A graduate level seminar on current issues and problems in the field. Graduate only.

MGMT 502. Management and Leadership. 3 Credits.

Students become aware of their impact on others in the work environment via their managerial philosophy and style. Focus is on developing constructive approaches and methods to enhance creativity, innovation, employee motivation, and career success. Graduate only.

MGMT 510. Leadership Development Foundations. 3 Credits.

This course will introduce students to fundamental theories and concepts of management and leadership and will emphasize the application of these concepts to students’ personal and professional lives. Through a variety of exercises, assessments, and developmental projects, students will gain knowledge of their strengths and opportunities areas as a leader, explore current leadership challenges and the latest ideas from leadership literature, and students will develop plans to enhance their leadership skills and promote organizational effectiveness.

MGMT 511. Leading Teams and Developing Relationships. 3 Credits.

Relationship management and teamwork are required at every level of an organization and are critical factors of organizational success. This course is designed to help students enhance their ability to create and manage high-quality relationships in the workplace and to effectively contribute to and lead teams. Students will acquire knowledge of the factors of team member effectiveness and leader character, as well as collaboration, conflict management, and other relationship management strategies. Prerequisite: MGMT 510.

MGMT 512. Managing Human Resources. 3 Credits.

In today’s competitive landscape, effective human resource management is a key to organizational success. No one organization or group can effectively manage a company’s human resources, and it is critical for senior leaders to acquire an understanding of how human resource policies and practices can produce employee competencies and behaviors required to achieve strategic aims. To this end, students will learn how theories and principles of organizational behavior can be applied to create human resource policies, practices, and systems that can enhance the strategic success of organizations. Prerequisite: MGMT 511.

MGMT 513. Leadership Capstone. 3 Credits.

As the culminating leadership course in the EMBA program, the overarching goal of MGMT 513 is two-fold. First, the course is designed to assist students in the integration of their academic study of leadership and their personal leadership experiences in preparation for their continued success and leadership development. Second, the course will prepare students to engage in essential leadership processes at the organizational level. Students will acquire an understanding of the complexities of organizational culture and the process of implementing change and will construct a plan to apply these concepts to inspire change and enhance the effectiveness of their organizations. Prerequisite: MGMT 512.

MGMT 519. Organizational Theory and Behavior. 3 Credits.

This course studies the organization from both a macro and micro perspective by focusing on organizational structure and organizational interactions. The dynamics and links between individual, groups, and the environment are analyzed to highlight the determinants of organizational effectiveness. Graduate only.

MGMT 520. Equity and Inclusion. 3 Credits.

graduate level seminar on current issues and problems related to equity and inclusion in organizations. The course specifically focuses on the relationship between business and society, as well as a deep focus on theoretical foundations for organizational processes, practices, and impacts. Prerequisites: SOBA 506 and SOBA 507.

MGMT 541. Healthcare Management. 3 Credits.

This course focuses on management within varoius components of the health care delivery system. Emphasis is given to the integration of subject matter from health administration and business administration courses. topical discussin through case studies and lectures will include an introduction of the organization of the system, the development of organizational strategy in health care institutions, the strategic planning process, leadership in the health care industry, quality management, and the formulation of policy and objectives.

MGMT 585. Independent Study. 1 to 3 Credit.

MGMT 590. Current Topics in Management. 3 Credits.

A graduate level seminar on current issues and problems in the field. Graduate only.

MGMT 595. Strategic Management. 3 Credits.

An integrated concept of Business Administration that will relate and integrate the principles and problems studied in the various "functional" fields from a corporate management perspective. Case studies. Graduate only. Capstone course. Prerequisite: Completion of 12 hours of graduate work, including FINA 511 or ACCT 520.

MGMT 596. Strategic Management & Theory. 3 Credits.

An integrated concept of Business Administration that will relate and integrate the principles and problems studied in the various “functional” fields, including Organizational Theory and Behavior, from a corporate management perspective. Case studies. College of Law Graduate only. Capstone Course. Prerequisite: Completion of FINA 511 or ACCT 520.