Grading Policies and Interpretations

College of Arts and Sciences Graduate Programs (Counselor Education, English, and Education)

Grades assigned to students in most graduate programs of the College of Arts and Sciences are as follows: A (distinction); B (quality expected of graduate students); C (below graduate standards); D (not accepted for graduate credit at Stetson); and F (fail). At the faculty member's discretion, pluses and minuses may be used to further refine a student's grade. Grades assigned to the MFA graduate program in Creative Writing are P (pass) and F (fail).

Final grades are to be submitted within seven days of course completion.

A student who fails to maintain an academic average of B (3.0) in graduate coursework will be dismissed from their academic program.  Additionally, two or more grades of C+, C, or C- will result in program dismissal.  Any grade of D+ or below will result in program dismissal.  A dismissed student may apply for re-admission after a one-year absence from the program but is not guaranteed acceptance.  Dismissal appeals are handled by the Department Chair for Counselor Education and Education programs.  Dismissal appeals for English, MFA, are handled at the Arts and Sciences Graduate Council level.

Grade Point Average Calculation

Students’ cumulative grade-point averages are based on a four-point scale. Letter grades are assigned the numerical equivalents per credits listed below. Grades are carried to the third decimal and are not rounded.

A+ = 4.00 B- = 2.67 D = 1.00
A = 4.00 C+ = 2.33 D- = 0.67
A- = 3.67 C = 2.00 F = 0.00
B+ = 3.33 C- = 1.67 X = 0.00
B = 3.00 D+ = 1.33

The grade-point average is determined by dividing the numerical equivalents of the grades earned by the total GPA credits, including all courses failed except for grades excluded under the Course Exclusion Policy. Recognize, however, that other universities, agencies, and employers may calculate GPA’s using all grades that appear on the transcript, including grades excluded. Only courses taken at Stetson will be used by the University in computing the student’s cumulative grade-point average.  

Additional Grades

 In addition to the grades identified above, the following are additional grades that can be given:

I incomplete. This is the grade given when a student cannot complete the work of the course because of illness or other extenuating conditions, and the instructor’s academic Dean has approved an extension of time for the completion of a course. The coursework must be completed by the agreed-upon date between the faculty member and student or two weeks prior to the last day of classes in the next academic session of enrollment; but in all cases, it must be removed within 24 months from the date issued regardless of enrollment status; otherwise, the I becomes an F. An I grade cannot be removed by repeating the course.
P course passed. Credit is given. Does not affect grade-point average.
W an approved withdrawal from all courses at the University before mid-term. See the Academic Calendar for the actual date. No credit is earned and the grade-point average is not affected.
X the grade received for the late drop of a course without academic penalty. No credit is earned and the grade-point average is not affected. The grade must be approved by the student’s academic Dean.
NR grade not reported.

College of Arts and Sciences Graduate Programs - The Grade of Incomplete (I)

Graduate students are expected to complete all assignments by the assigned due dates on the course syllabus, and the instructor must enter a final course grade within seven days of the last day of class.  On occasion, because of illness or other serious circumstances, a graduate student may request an extension of time for completing a reasonable amount of remaining work in a course. The request must be made by the student in writing to the instructor prior to the end of the course. If the course instructor supports the request, then the instructor will tell the student what work will be accepted through the Incomplete and discuss the deadlines for that work.  The instructor completes the "Work still to be completed" section of the form detailing the work to be completed and approved deadlines.  The Incomplete Form is then forwarded to the Office of Graduate Studies.  Note, the due date must be no later than two weeks prior to the end of classes at the next academic session, but not to exceed two years.  After processing, the Office of Graduate Studies will forward the Incomplete Form to the Dean's Office for review and approval.  If the request is approved, the student will be granted an Incomplete or I grade. University guidelines on the Incomplete grade appear in the Catalog under “Interpretation of Grades.” 

If the Incomplete is not removed by the approved date, the permanent grade of F will be issued.  The incomplete deadline will be strictly observed.  In the case of serious extenuating circumstances, the student may request a written appeal for an extension.  The appeal must outline the remaining work outstanding and address why the original due date was not honored.  The faculty member must approve the appeal before being sent to the Office of Graduate Studies for processing.  The Office of Graduate Studies will then coordinate with the Dean of the College for their review and approval.   The appeal must include the instructor's approval and a new timeline for completing all remaining assignments.  The maximum extension allowed on appeal is 24 months from the original date the Incomplete was issued, regardless of enrollment status during that period.

School of Business Administration Graduate Programs

Grades assigned to students in graduate programs of the School of Business Administration are as follows: A-distinction; B-quality expected of graduate students; C-below graduate standards; D-not accepted for graduate credit; and F-failure. At the faculty member’s discretion, plusses and minuses may be used to further refine a student’s grade. Any graduate student receiving a D or F in an advanced-level class will be dismissed from the program. A dismissed student may apply for re-admission after a one-year absence from the program but is not guaranteed acceptance. Undergraduate foundation courses, completed at an institution other than the Stetson University School of Business Administration, in which a grade of D or F was earned, must be retaken.

A Post-Baccalaureate student enrolled in the School of Business Administration must earn a C or higher in all foundation courses. A Post-Baccalaureate student who fails to earn a C or better in any foundation course will not be permitted to enroll in future courses in the School of Business Administration.

Grade Point Average Calculation

Students’ cumulative grade-point averages are based on a four-point scale. Letter grades are assigned the numerical equivalents per credits listed below. Grades are carried to the third decimal and are not rounded.

A+ = 4.00 B- = 2.67 D = 1.00
A = 4.00 C+ = 2.33 D- = 0.67
A- = 3.67 C = 2.00 F = 0.00
B+ = 3.33 C- = 1.67 X = 0.00
B = 3.00 D+ = 1.33

The grade-point average is determined by dividing the numerical equivalents of the grades earned by the total GPA credits, including all courses failed except for grades excluded under the Course Exclusion Policy. Recognize, however, that other universities, agencies, and employers may calculate GPAs using all grades that appear on the transcript, including grades excluded. Only courses taken at Stetson will be used by the University in computing the student’s cumulative grade-point average.

Additional Grades

 In addition to the grades identified above, the following are additional grades that can be given:

I incomplete. This is the grade given when a student cannot complete the work of the course because of illness or other extenuating conditions, and the instructor’s academic Dean has approved an extension of time for the completion of a course. The work of the course must be completed two weeks prior to the last day of classes in the next academic session of enrollment (excluding summer term); but in all cases, except graduate thesis courses, it must be removed within 24 months from the date issued regardless of enrollment status; otherwise, the I becomes an F. An I grade cannot be removed by repeating the course.
P course passed. Credit is given. Does not affect grade-point average.
W an approved withdrawal from all courses at the University before mid-term. See the Academic Calendar for the actual date. No credit is earned and the grade-point average is not affected.
X the grade received for late drop of a course without academic penalty. No credit is earned and the grade-point average is not affected. The grade must be approved by the student’s academic Dean.
NR grade not reported.

School of Business Administration's Interpretation of a Grade of "I" for Non-Traditional Graduate Programs

Master of Accountancy Program – the “next academic session of enrollment” shall be defined as the seven or eight weeks immediately following the course in which the student received the grade of incomplete.

Master of Business Administration Program – the “next academic session of enrollment” shall be defined as the seven or eight weeks immediately following the course in which the student received the grade of incomplete.

Master of Science in Pharmacy/M.B.A. Program – the “next academic session of enrollment” shall be defined as the seven or eight weeks immediately following the course in which the student received the grade of incomplete.

Master of Healthcare Administration/M.B.A. Program – the “next academic session of enrollment” shall be defined as the seven or eight weeks immediately following the course in which the student received the grade of incomplete.

Executive Master of Business Administration (E.M.B.A.) Program - the “next academic session of enrollment” shall be defined as the eight-session module that immediately follows the course module in which the student received the grade of incomplete.