Advising Course Plan - Digital Arts B.S.

This advising plan shows an example of working through the requirements for the major in four years.  It is appropriate for students who are starting the major in their first semester. The student’s individual academic plan will be developed in consultation with an adviser and reviewed each semester prior to registering for the next semester.  This plan assumes that the student has not taken any courses for the major prior to the first semester shown in the plan.

The DIGA (BS) major requires:

DIGA 101A, Digital Art Fundamentals
DIGA 161A, Digital Audio Fundamentals
CSCI 141, Introduction to Computer Science I
CSCI 142, Introduction to Computer Science II
One of the following Digital Art sequences:
Two DIGA electives
DIGA 398, Advanced Digital Arts Studio
DIGA 498, Senior Project I
DIGA 499, Senior Project II
Three units from any of the following prefixes:  ARTS, ARTH, CREA, MUSC, PHYS, ENCW, or THEA

Courses for the major that should be completed prior to the first semester of this plan:  None required.

First Year
FSEM 100First Year Seminar1
or 161A1
Digital Art Fundamentals
Digital Audio Fundamentals
General Education Requirement or Elective1
General Education Requirement or Elective1
 Term Units4
or 161A1
Digital Art Fundamentals
Digital Audio Fundamentals
CSCI 1114Introduction to Computing (or General Education Requirement or Elective)1
General Education Requirement or Elective1
General Education Requirement or Elective1
 Term Units4
Second Year
CSCI 1415Introduction to Computer Science I (or Digital Ars sequence, first course)1
Digital Arts Elective Requirement or General Education Requirement or Elective61
One course in ARTS, ARTH, CREA, ENCW, MUSC, PHYS, or THEA or General Education Requirement or Elecitive71
General Education Requirement or Elective1
 Term Units4
CSCI 1425Introduction to Computer Science II (or Digital Arts sequence, second course)1
Digital Arts Elective Requirement or General Education Requirement or Elective61
One course is ARTS, ARTH, CREA, ENCW, MUSC, PHYS, or THEA or General Education Requirement or Elective71
General Education Requirement or Elective1
 Term Units4
Third Year
CSCI 1415Introduction to Computer Science I (or Digital Arts sequence, first Course)1
Digital Arts Elective Requirement or General Education Requirement or Elective61
Junior Seminar or one course in ARTS, ARTH, CREA, ENCW, MUSC, PHYS, or THEA or General Education Requirement or Elective71
General Education Requirement or Elective1
 Term Units4
CSCI 1425Introduction to Computer Science II (or Digital Arts sequence, second course)1
DIGA 3988Advanced Digital Arts Studio (or Digital Arts Elective Requirement or General Education Requirement or Elective)1
Junior Seminar or one course in ARTS, ARTH, CREA, ENCW, MUSC, PHYS, or THEA or General Education Requirement or Elective71
General Education Requirement or Elective1
 Term Units4
Fourth Year
DIGA 4982Senior Project I (or General Education Requirement or Elective)1
DIGA 3988Advanced Digital Arts Studio (or General Education Requirement or Elective)1
General Education Requirement or Elective1
General Education Requirement or Elective1
 Term Units4
DIGA 4993Senior Project II1
General Education Requirement or Elective1
General Education Requirement or Elective1
General Education Requirement or Elective1
 Term Units4
Total Unit: 32

Required and offered every semester


Required and offered in the fall semester


Required and offered in the spring semester


CSCI 111 may be required prior to taking CSCI 141; see Math/CS Department for placement


see options listed above; most sequence first courses are offered in the fall semester with the second course in the sequence offered in the spring


2 DIGA electives are required


3 collateral courses, total, are required


DIGA 398 is required and should not be taken until more than just DIGA 101A and DIGA 161A have been taken (and preferably it is taken after the DIGA sequence is complete)