Advising Course Plan - Health Sciences Major - 3 Year Plan

This advising plan shows an example of working through the requirements for the major in three years.  It is appropriate for students who have already completed eight units of coursework.  The student’s individual academic plan will be developed in consultation with an adviser and reviewed each semester prior to registering for the next semester.  This plan assumes that the student has not taken any courses for the major prior to the first semester shown in the plan.

The plan does not allow for  pre-requisites specified for graduate requirements to pursue a specific career or specialty in health sciences.

Courses that should be completed prior to the first semester of this plan: General Education requirements for the College of Arts and Sciences or General electives to make up 8 course units (32 credits)

First Year
BIOL 141PIntroductory Biology: Biochemistry, Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics1
PSYC 101SIntroduction to Psychology1
HLSC 119VHealth and Wellness1
General Education Requirement or Elective1
 Term Units4
BIOL 142PIntroductory Biology: Animal and Plant Physiology1
HLSC 200VIntroduction to Nutrition Science1
General Education Requirement or Elective1
General Education Requirement or Elective1
 Term Units4
Second Year
HLSC 201
or 202
Anatomy Physiology I
Anatomy and Physiology II
CHEM 142P, PHYS 121P,
or PHYS 141P
General Chemistry II
College Physics I
University Physics I
General Education Requirement or Elective1
General Education Requirement or Elective1
 Term Units4
HLSC 202
or 201
Anatomy and Physiology II
Anatomy Physiology I
Statistics Unit Requirement - choice from list11
Major Elective Requirement - choice from list21
General Education Requirement or Elective1
 Term Units4
Third Year
HLSC 498Senior Research Proposal1
HLSC 411Exercise Physiology1
Major Elective Requirment - choice from list21
General Education Requirement or Elective1
 Term Units4
HLSC 499Senior Research Project1
Major Elective Requirement - choice from list21
General Education Requirement or Elective1
General Education Requirement or Elective1
 Term Units4
Total Unit: 24

Statistics course options:
BIOL 243Q, PSYC 306Q, MATH 125Q, STAT 301Q, ENSS 345Q


Major Elective course options:
BIOL 301, BIOL 302, BIOL 315, BIOL 415, CHEM 204, HIST 356V, HLSC 209V, HLSC 301, HLSC 313, HLSC 341, HLSC 342V, HLSC 370, HLSC 401, HLSC 413, HLSC 421, HLSC 441, PSYC 211, PSYC 231, PSYC 251V, PSYC 313V, PSYC 352V, PUBH 303, PUBH 376 and PUBH 377 and PUBH 378, SOCI 375