Advising Course Plan - Psychology Major Option 4

What follows is an example three-year plan for students bringing in NO courses required for the major but needing to complete the major in three years. (Example: change of major to Psychology after the first year of study). Other plans will work, too. It is critical, however, that with this plan, by the end of the first year as a Psychology major, you have successfully completed PSYC 101S, MATH 125Q, PSYC 203, at least one PSYC Elective, and BIOL 121P. It is also critical that you start the research sequence of courses (PSYC 306Q, PSYC 498, and PSYC 499) sometime during the junior year. These courses must be taken sequentially.

This plan assumes that the student has not taken any courses for the major prior to the first semester shown in the plan but has already completed 32 credits (8 units) that can be applied to the B.S. degree.

First Year
PSYC 101SIntroduction to Psychology1
or BIOL 121P
Introduction to Mathematical and Statistical Modeling
The Biological Basis of Behavior
General Education Requirement or Elective1
General Education Requirement or Elective1
 Term Units4
PSYC 203Foundations for Psychology Majors: Scientific Inquiry, Information Literacy, and Professional Dev.1
or MATH 125Q
The Biological Basis of Behavior
Introduction to Mathematical and Statistical Modeling
Major Elective Requirement or Elective11
General Education Requirement or Elective1
 Term Units4
Second Year
Major Elective Requirement11
Major Elective Requirement11
General Education Requirement or Elective1
General Education Requirement or Elective1
 Term Units4
PSYC 313VDrugs, Mind and Behavior1
Major Elective Requirement11
General Education Requirement or Elective1
General Education Requirement or Elective1
 Term Units4
Third Year
PSYC 498Research Methods and Proposal1
Major Elective Requirement11
General Education Requirement or Elective1
General Education Requirement or Elective1
 Term Units4
PSYC 499Senior Project1
General Education Requirement or Elective1
General Education Requirement or Elective1
General Education Requirment or Elective1
 Term Units4
Total Unit: 24

Major Elective Requirement must be 200-level or higher.