Advising Course Plan - Studio Art Major - 2 Year Plan

This advising plan shows an example of working through the requirements for the major in two years.  It is appropriate for students who have already completed sixteen units of coursework with many of the General Education requirements satisfied by that earlier coursework (remaining general education requirements must be able to be completed with five courses (not including the Junior Seminar).  The student’s individual academic plan will be developed in consultation with an adviser and reviewed each semester prior to registering for the next semester.  This plan assumes that the student has has taken the following Studio Art (ARTS) classes:  ARTS 101A, ARTS 102A, ARTS 103A, and ARTS 201A prior to the first semester shown in the plan; students who have completed two of these courses may be able to complete the major in two years, but it is not guaranteed.  Students who have completed less than 16 units, have a substantial number of General Education requirements yet to satisfy, or who have not completed the courses just listed may not be able to complete the degree in two years.

The Studio Arts major requires:

Courses for the major that should be completed prior to the first semester of this plan:  ARTS 101A, ARTS 102A, ARTS 103A, and ARTS 201A; students who have completed two of these four courses should consult with their faculty advisor about the feasibility of completing the major in just two years.

First Year
ARTH 316Issues in Contemporary Art (or General Education Requirement or Elective)1
Any ARTS studio course 200-level or above1
Any ARTS studio course 200-level or above1
Junior Seminar or Writing Enhanced course in ARTH, CREA, DIGA, ENCW, MUSC, or THEA11
 Term Units4
ARTH 325SArt Market and Institutions (or General Education Requirement or Elective)1
Any ARTS studio course 200-level or above1
Any ARTS studio course 200-level or above1
ARTS 3992Junior Portfolio Review0.0
Junior Seminar or Writing Enhanced course in ARTH, CREA, DIGA, ENCW, MUSC, or THEA11
 Term Units4
Second Year
ARTS 498Senior Project I1
Senior Portfolio Review3 
Any ARTS studio course 200-level or above1
General Education Requirement or Elective1
General Education Requirement or Elective1
 Term Units4
ARTS 499Senior Project II1
ARTH 325SArt Market and Institutions (or General Education Requirement or Elective)1
General Education Requirement or Elective1
General Education Requirement or Elective1
 Term Units4
Total Unit: 16

The Writing Enhanced course requirement can be satisfied by a JSEM with one of the prefixes listed.


ARTS 399 is required and must be completed before enrolling in ARTS 498. It is typically scheduled the last Friday of classes in the spring semester.


Senior portfolio review is a part of ARTS 498. It is required and must be completed before enrolling in ARTS 499.  It is typically scheduled the last Friday before Thanksgiving break.