
ENTP 190. Special Topics in Entrepreneurship. 1 Unit.

ENTP 285. Independent Study. 0.5 or 1 Units.

ENTP 290. Special Topics in Entrepreneurship. 1 Unit.

ENTP 301. Creative Problem Solving. 1 Unit.

The class is designed to prepare the student in the use of creative thinking tools and a mindset equipped to explore possibilities and create options to establish a competitive advantage in an increasingly complex and uncertain environment.

ENTP 305. Entrepreneurial Leadership: An Introduction. 1 Unit.

This course introduces the opportunities and challenges of entrepreneurship. As successful entrepreneurs are also successful leaders, the course helps students identify their personal values and how to relate those values to leadership within a new venture. The course includes sound academic theory, success stories, case studies, exercises, and class discussion.

ENTP 307. Managing Innovation. 1 Unit.

Organizational design refers to the way that an organization structures and aligns its people and resources. Students will construct an organizational design by developing and testing key assumptions using the lean start-up methodology and business modeling practices. A business model is a logical and internally consistent representation of the design and operations of a business, capturing the essence of how it will be focused and demonstrating how an interrelated set of decision variables will be addressed to create, deliver and capture value. Prerequisite: MGMT 305 or ENTP 305 or SOBA 202.

ENTP 315. Launching Your New Venture. 0.5 Units.

Repeatable up to 4 times. The focus of this course will be to address the process of launching a new venture from ideation stage to market. Depending on the idea, the student may not be prepared to launch at the end of the semester, but should have made considerable progress toward that end. Students in the class will also be prepared to participate in external new venture competitions at the local, regional, national, and international levels. Prerequisites: Permission of instructor and application completion.

ENTP 353V. Social Entrepreneurship. 1 Unit.

This course focuses on Stetson's Social Justice Value. Do you want to change the world? Social entrepreneurship is about convening human and financial resources to develop a sustainable organization with the objective of doing good in society. Students will examine the topic from the societal, ethical, financial and managerial perspectives. The pedagogy will consist of case studies, field experiences, and readings. Join the revolution! Junior Seminar.

ENTP 385. Independent Study. 0.5 or 1 Units.

ENTP 390. Special Topics in Entrepreneurship. 1 Unit.

ENTP 395. Teaching Apprenticeship. 0.5 Units.

ENTP 397. Entrepreneurship Internship. 0.5 or 1 Units.

This course provides students with the opportunity to intern with either an entrepreneurial company or with a company that consults entrepreneurial organizations. Students will present their personal learning goals, objectives, and action steps to the faculty prior to being placed with a host company. Near the completion date of their internship each student will provide the faculty a comprehensive personal evaluation of what was learned during this experience and how well they satisfied their initial personal goals and objectives. This course is a part of the Joseph C. Prince Entrepreneurship Program. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Enrollment in an internship course requires students to attend an orientation prior to beginning work at their internship site. For more information regarding internship orientations, please contact Career & Professional Development at career@stetson.edu or 386-822-7315.

ENTP 399. Prince Entrepreneurship Studies Seminar. 1 Unit.

This course focuses on the threats and opportunities associated with the world of the entrepreneur. Particular attention is paid to the importance of concepts such as entrepreneurial innovation, creation, decision-making, and the psychology of entrepreneurs. Students are exposed to and have the unique opportunity to dialog with successful entrepreneurs both inside and outside the classroom setting. Students will collaborate with faculty, entrepreneurs and other students to study a wide variety of current issues in entrepreneurship. This course is a part of the Joseph C.Prince Entrepreneurship Program. Prerequisite: junior standing.

ENTP 405. Scaling Entrepreneurial Firms. 1 Unit.

The focus of this course will be to address the greatest challenge for a high growth firm--scalability. Scalability issues throughout the firm will be addressed including: change management, culture, leadership, human resources, financial, funding, marketing, strategy and business modeling. Prerequisite: ENTP 301, ENTP 305, and ENTP 307. Offered in spring semesters.

ENTP 410. Prince Seminar: Entrepreneurial Leadership. 1 Unit.

This class focuses on entrepreneurial leaders and the experiences that have led to their success and failures. Guest speaker entrepreneurs will present their experiences to the class based upon specific entrepreneurship topics and engage in open discussion with the students regarding those topics. Concepts conveyed by the speakers will be expanded upon by the instructor before and after each presentation. Prerequisite: ENTP 305.

ENTP 450. International Entrepreneurship. 1 Unit.

This course introduces students to entrepreneurship in a global context, challenging students to explore and apply entrepreneurial management ideas, techniques and strategies especially applicable to the international and global environment. The course's content and design is structured to encourage the student to understand and apply decision making behavioral techniques consistent with an entrepreneurial way of thinking especially specific to the development considerations of enterprise (business), community and economic development in the context of global and international issues and concerns. Cross-listed as INTL 450.

ENTP 451. Entrepreneurial Management. 1 Unit.

This course offers students the tools to manage the growth process of a start-up company. Strategic, financial, marketing and personnel problems common to small start-up companies are investigated using the case method. This course is a part of the Joseph C. Prince Entrepreneurship Program.

ENTP 452. Venture Capital and High Growth Entrepreneurship. 1 Unit.

This course integrates the material of ENTP 399 and ENTP 451 by focusing on the financing of the start-up firm. Students will examine, in depth, the issues involved in the raising of capital for the development of early stage companies. This examination will view the capital raising challenge from both the perspectives of the entrepreneur and the investor. Special attention will be paid to evaluating the management of entrepreneurial firms and the market potential for their products and/or services. Students will be required to evaluate “live” companies and make investment decisions. This course is a part of the Joseph C. Entrepreneurship Program. Prerequisite: ACCT 201 and SOBA 201 or FINA 311.

ENTP 485. Independent Study. 0.5 or 1 Units.

ENTP 490. Special Topics in Entrepreneurship. 1 Unit.