International Business

INTL 180. Intl Business-Elective. 1 Unit.

INTL 190. Special Topics in International Business. 1 Unit.

INTL 201B. International Business and Culture. 1 Unit.

Companies that conduct business across national borders must operate within the context of varied national requirements and cultural expectations. This course will investigate different aspects of a multinational corporation operating in a global environment through a broad range of topics including management, financial, accounting, and marketing strategies.

INTL 285. Independent Study. 0.5 or 1 Units.

INTL 290. Special Topics in International Business. 1 Unit.

INTL 301. Seminar on Business and Culture. 1 Unit.

This course may be held totally on-campus or on-campus followed by a short-term international experience in the country or region of interest. It will introduce students to the basics of doing business in a particular country or region, and will cover topics such as basic facts and background of the country, governmental structure and regulations, the importance of national culture, and other issues and challenges such as negotiating tactics, communication, dining, and travel within the country. This course may be taken for credit more than once if the country or region of focus is different for each. Prerequisites: junior standing or permission of the instructor.

INTL 353V. Cuba: Justice, Equity, and the Clash of Ideolgies. 1 Unit.

This course focuses on Stetson's social Justice Value. Students will identify and critique competing claims of justice and equity that are now features of Cuba’s historical landscape. In addition, the course will consider issues of social justice and equity relating to the future of Cuba as regime change nears and as rapprochement with the US moves forward. A prominent feature of the class will be examining the evolving and competing views of economic justice expressed in the turbulent bilateral relations between the US and Cuba. The course is a “hybrid” course with part of the course being taught on campus and part being taught in a trip (required) to Cuba. The cost of the trip is additional to tuition. Contact the instructor of record for trip dates and costs. Junior Seminar.

INTL 385. Independent Study. 0.5 or 1 Units.

INTL 390. Special Topics in International Business. 1 Unit.

INTL 394. International Business Seminar. 1 Unit.

The purpose of this course, which is held off campus in a foreign country consistent with one’s modern language study, is to expose students to international business issues. During this study abroad guests from local businesses, professional organizations and cultural experts will be used to provide the students with a diverse yet in-depth investigation into doing business in the particular country selected. International students may complete an internship to satisfy this requirement. Prerequisite: permission of IB Major Coordinator.

INTL 394V. International Development and the Plight of the Poor. 1 Unit.

This course focuses on Stetson's Social Justice Value. International development is concerned with advancing the quality of life for humans. There are many different aspects of this, and the aspect of international development that this course focuses on is projects that are used to help the plight of the poor in developing countries. More specifically, it looks at how global organizations such as NGOs, micro-finance institutions, for profit businesses, and governments can work together towards developing projects that help the poor in developing countries.. In this course, students will apply critical thinking skills, field observations, and reflective processing to explore and reveal the contextual impacts and opportunities associated with international development projects. Through readings, discussions, cultural immersion and experiential learning in an international setting, students engage in applied activities designed to broaden international perspectives while providing opportunities for personal and professional growth. The course is a hybrid course that will include a required 4-day trip to a developing country over break. It will consist of visits and participation in international development projects.

INTL 395. Teaching Apprenticeship. 0.5 Units.

INTL 397. Internship in International Business. 0.5 or 1 Units.

This course provides students the opportunity to work within an organization that agrees to provide them with significant managerial work and support during the internship period. Full time internships require 200 hours (1-unit) or 100 hours (.5 unit) within a semester time frame. A maximum of one unit of internship credit may be applied towards the BBA degree requirements. Prerequisite are: Major/minor in the School of Business Administration, minimum GPA of 2.5 in major, Permission of Internship Director or Management Chair. Enrollment in an internship course requires students to attend an orientation prior to beginning work at their internship site. For more information regarding internship orientations, please contact Career & Professional Development at or 386-822-7315.

INTL 405. Cross-Cultural Dynamics and Management. 1 Unit.

The management of firms with international operations differs significantly from those doing business in a single country. This course addresses managerial concerns peculiar to international, multinational, and global business organizations. Focus is on the issues confronting managers, especially top management, as they strive to plan, organize, staff, and control global business operations. Prerequisite: SOBA 202 or MGMT 305.

INTL 444. International Trade Administration. 1 Unit.

ITA introduces students to the processes of international trade and trade finance. Students will become familiar with how nations protect national interests through trade regulations and how firms protect their interests when trading globally. The course will emphasize trade regulation, documentation and finance. The role of facilitating organizations such as the X-M Bank and the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) will also be considered. Junior standing required.

INTL 450. International Entrepreneurship. 1 Unit.

This course introduces students to entrepreneurship in a global context, challenging students to explore and apply entrepreneurial management ideas, techniques and strategies especially applicable to the international and global environment. The course's content and design is structured to encourage the student to understand and apply decision making behavioral techniques consistent with an entrepreneurial way of thinking especially specific to the development considerations of enterprise (business), community and economic development in the context of global and international issues and concerns. Prerequisite: MGMT 305, MKTG 315, FINA 311, and ACCT 211 or SOBA 202. Cross-listed as ENTP 450.

INTL 485. Independent Study. 0.5 or 1 Units.

INTL 490. Special Topics in International Business. 1 Unit.

INTL 501. International Experience. 3 Credits.

This is a repeatable graduate level study abroad/field experience course. The International Experience course features field experience while in residence in a nation outside of the United States. These courses generally consist of classroom and field experience activities and appropriate academic activity. Graduate only.

INTL 585. Independent Study. 3 Credits.

INTL 596. International Business Seminar. 2 Credits.

Elective travel course open to graduate students. Graduate only. Prerequisite: permission of International Business Coordinator.