Sport Business

SPTB 201. Introduction to Sport Business. 1 Unit.

This course will provide an overview of the sport industry and explore unique aspects of sport business. Various sport industry segments will be examined, as well as their unique connections to major sectors of society and other industries. Current sport business issues will be researched, discussed, and debated within the contexts of sport as a product, a service, and an experience.

SPTB 285. Independent Study. 0.5 or 1 Units.

SPTB 297. Internship in Sport Business. 0.5 Units.

A structured work and observation experience in a sport management setting on or off campus. Specific guidelines must be followed by students seeking to arrange an internship for academic credit. Enrollment in an internship course requires students to attend an orientation prior to beginning work at their internship site. For more information regarding internship orientations, please contact Career & Professional Development at or 386-822-7315. Prerequisite: SPTB 201 or permission of instructor.

SPTB 310. Rec Services&Sport Facil Mgmt. 1 Unit.

A basic course designed to introduce the student to concepts, trends, and developments in recreation and leisure services and facility administration. This course will examine the principles and practices associated with planning, operations, funding, and management of sport, recreation, and public assembly facilities, including physical and human capital. Class lectures will be devoted to examining and fostering discussion on reading assignments, current issues, and real world examples of sport and recreation programming and facility management. Sophomore standing or higher required. Prerequisite: SPTB 201.

SPTB 320. Legal Concepts of Sport Business. 1 Unit.

This course provides an overview of legal issues commonly encountered in the sport industry. The course covers standards of care and tort liability in sport settings; legal principles and best practices applicable to sport contracts and policies; intellecutal property and media rights in sport; constitutional rights and responsibilities of sport organizations and participants; and discrimination against protected classes in sport environments. Prerequisite: Junior standing and SPTB 201, or BLAW 407, or BLAW 408.

SPTB 330. Global Sport Business. 1 Unit.

This course will provide students with an overview of the global sport industry and the opportunity to explore historical and current issues impacting the international business of sport. Students will be introduced to a variety of U.S. sport properties participating in international growth and competition and will explore international sport properties and sport business constituencies to gain an understanding of the dynamic characteristics of the global sport business, fans, and stakeholders. Prerequisite: SPTB 201.

SPTB 340. Sport Finance. 1 Unit.

This course examines the financial tools that sports managers use to run their sport businesses and teams. As such, it explores traditional and innovative methods of revenue acquisition and financial management in sports organizations, the financial business structure of sports organizations, and the financial planning and forecasting processed that make organizations effective. Various other aspects of finance are discussed as they relate to sports organizations, including capital structure, stocks and bonds, inventory management, and taxation. Prerequisites: FINA 311, junior standing.

SPTB 345. Sport Analytics. 1 Unit.

This course introduces the skills, technologies applications, and practices essential to analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating data for business decisions in the sport industry for managing media rights and content, managing game-day elements, building inventories and value of sport properties, growing and engaging fan bases, and valuing sponsorships. Prerequisites: Junior standing or permission of instructor.

SPTB 345Q. Sport Business Analytics. 1 Unit.

This course introduces the skills, technologies applications, and practices essential to analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating data for business decisions in the sport industry for managing media rights and content, managing game-day elements, building inventories and value of sport properties, growing and engaging fan bases, and valuing sponsorships. Prerequisites: junior standing and STAT 301Q or permission of instructor.

SPTB 350. Sport Sales, Negotiations, and Promotions. 1 Unit.

This course will examine the importance of sales and the components of a successful sales force within a sport property. Theoretical and practical professional sales techniques and roles will be examined, including sales processes, sales force structures, customer relationship management (CRM), and the role of analytics in sales. Basic negotiation and marketing promotional theory will be examined within a sport industry context. Prerequisite: Junior standing and SPTB 201 or permission of instructor.

SPTB 385. Independent Study. 0.5 or 1 Units.

This course is offered only on special individual bases and will be directly supervised by a facutly instructor, who will determine the course content. May be offered for variable credit. May be repeatable.

SPTB 390. Special Topics. 0.5 or 1 Units.

When offered, this course will enhance the sport business curriculum by providing instruction in a specialized topic in the sport business field not addressed by the current curriculum. Prerequisite: MKTG 315. May be offered for variable credit. May be repeatable.

SPTB 397. Internship in Sport Business. 1 Unit.

A structured work and observation experience in a sport management setting on or off-campus. Specific guidelines must be followed by students seeking to arrange an internship for academic credit. Students must work 200 hours during the semester at the internship site. Open to Sport Business Majors or Minors only. Prerequisites: Junior Standing; SPTB 201; Permission of Instructor.Enrollment in an internship course requires students to attend an orientation prior to beginning work at their internship site. For more information regarding internship orientations, please contact Career & Professional Development at or 386-822-7315.

SPTB 436. Sport Properties and Sponsorships. 1 Unit.

This course will examine unique brand management strategies of and through sport properties, i.e., using the tangible and/or intangible assets managed by rights owners that draw fans and revenues, including teams, leagues, facilities, events, tours, athletes, equipment/sporting goods, and products. Methods of building and transforming sport brands to effectively attract, engage, and retain fans will be examined, along with the use of cash and/or in-kind fees paid by commercial brands in return for access to exploitable commercial potential associated with sport properties. Prerequisite: Junior standing and SOBA 202 and SOBA 203, or MKTG 315 or MKTG 307. Cross-listed as MKTG 436.

SPTB 440. Contemporary Sport Media. 1 Unit.

This course will explore the utilities and tactics of emerging media formats as digital tools to analyze, create, implement, manage, monitor, and monetize sport consumer behavior, event promotion strategies, and comprehensive sport marketing plans. Tactics will include using digital multimedia approaches to traditional media functions and digital/mobile marketing strategies to attract and retain customers and clients, increase revenues, and enhance online traffic and reputation. Prerequisite: Junior standing and SPTB 201 or MKTG 315 or SOBA 203 or permission of instructor.

SPTB 450. Sport Event Management. 1 Unit.

This course will foster an understanding of events as the essential core of sport business, as solutions to problems, as economic impact and community engagement tolls, and as media spectacles. Students will examine and experiment with the theory, design, development, and implementation of sport event strategic and operational elements, including promotions, audience-building, partnerships, environment creation, and revenue operations. Prerequisite: Junior standing or higher and SPBT major/minor and SPTB 201 or permission of instructor.

SPTB 485. Independent Study. 0.5 or 1 Units.

SPTB 490. Special Topics. 0.5 to 1 Units.

SPTB 497. Senior Research Proposal. 1 Unit.

Students will identify a topic in a selected field of study, prepare a review of pertinent literature, formulate a research question, and propose an experimental design. Open to majors only. Prerequisite: STAT 301Q.

SPTB 498. Senior Research Project. 1 Unit.

Students will demonstrate competency in the research process by conducting an experimental research study in their field of expertise. The project includes data collection, statistical analysis, and writing an experimental research paper. Prerequisite: SPTB 497.

SPTB 499. Senior Project Forum. 0.5 Units.

Students will attend and participate in a forum on current research topics in sport management. Each student will prepare and present his/her senior research project as an oral and poster presentation at the research forum. Prerequisite: SPTB 498.