Advising Course Plan - International Business Major

First Year
FSEM 100First Year Seminar1
ECON 104SFoundations of Economics I1
SOBA 200Professional Communications1
General Education Requirement*1
 Term Units4
SOBA 209VIntroduction to Business Ethics1
MATH 117QQuantitative Analysis for Business1
General Education Requirement*1
General Education Requirement (Creative Arts or Language 102L level or above)*1
 Term Units4
Second Year
ACCT 201Fundamentals of Accounting1
BSAN 250Business Systems Analytics1
General Elective1
General Elective1
 Term Units4
MGMT 305Management and Leadership1
STAT 301QBusiness Statistics1
International General Education Requirement21
General Elective1
 Term Units4
Third Year
Junior Seminar1
MKTG 315The Marketplace and Consumers1
General Elective1
General Elective1
 Term Units4
Study Abroad or On Campus courses to include those reflected in the footnote14
 Term Units4
Fourth Year
INTL 405Cross-Cultural Dynamics and Management1
MKTG 417Marketing in the Supply Chain1
FINA 311Financial Management1
General Elective1
 Term Units4
INTL 444International Trade Administration1
INTL 450International Entrepreneurship1
MGMT 495Strategic Management1
General Elective1
 Term Units4
Total Unit: 32

Any General Education Courses in these categories: ONE (1) course unit from (A) Creative Art OR Modern Language; ANY TWO (2) course units from (B) Culture and Belief, (S) Individual, Society & Social Systems, (H) Historical Inquiry, (P) Physical and Natural World, (Q) Quantitative Reasoning, Modern Language course at any level, or (A) Creative Art (includes A, or MUSC, MUSA, or MUSE credit courses.)


Cultural Courses for International Business Major: Two Culture Courses (1 unit each) related to the area/country of their foreign language study must be approved by the International Business Coordinator. The courses may be taken on campus or at an approved study abroad site and typically come from such fields as political science or history.
Courses include:

  • Two INTL Major 'C' courses, and
  • Two General Elective courses

Select one of the following: INTL 201BMKTG 420BECON 201HHIST 376SINSU 201HWLGC 301B.