Bachelor Of Music Education (Instrumental/General)

The School of Music works closely with Stetson's Department of Education.  Both the School of Music and the Department of Education use a "tier structure" as students work through the college career.  Moving between Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 is very important, and it is explained below.   The Department of Education resides within the Division of Education. The approved programs offered by the School of Music and the Department of Education meet University requirements for graduation, as well as the certification requirements of the Florida Department of Education.

Responsibility for education programs within the unit rests with the Chair of the Department of Education. The Undergraduate and Graduate Councils review program requirements, recommend policy and procedures, monitor student progress, and serve as a board of appeal for students seeking exceptions to established policy.

Admittance to undergraduate programs is determined by the Undergraduate Council. The Council considers numerous factors prior to making a determination of admittance. Admission may be contingent upon availability of space within the program. All students should apply for admission at the Undergraduate Education Office during the first semester of their tenure at Stetson.

More information can be found online at

The Nina B. Hollis Institute for Educational Reform

The Nina B. Hollis Institute for Educational Reform at Stetson University resides within the Department of Education. The Institute, established in 2000, is a comprehensive learning community. In collaboration with local community leaders, district personnel, educational agencies and Stetson University faculty, the Institute has created a model for reform that supports education. Through research and pedagogical assistance, the Institute provides assistance in developing research-based best practice in-service workshops and events to educators, families, businesses, universities and policymakers for the advancement of teaching and learning.

Undergraduate Degrees and State Certifications

The Department of Education offers state-approved programs in elementary education/ESOL K-6 and K-12 programs in music. The Elementary Education/ESOL K-6 program provides ESOL endorsement, as mandated by the State of Florida.

In addition to its approved certification programs, the Department offers certain courses accepted by the Florida Department of Education for Florida certification. For specific courses, consult with the Office of Undergraduate Education.

Admission Requirements

Music Education students must be admitted into the the Education program as part of staying on track for graduation and in preparation for taking certain classes.  Admittance into the approved program is also called entering "Tier 2."  Students must strive to enter Tier 2 by the end of the third semester, or its equivalent for transfer students.  To enter Tier 2, or the approved program, a student must:

  1. complete an application for admission to a program of study leading to certification;
  2. complete a Candidate Acknowledgement of Professional Expectations;
  3. present a minimum 2.5 grade point average for all college work taken at Stetson;
  4. present a grade of C or higher in at least one Writing Enhanced course;
  5. present a passing score on all areas of the General Knowledge (GK) Test;
  6. earn a grade of C or better in all credit-bearing EDUC and MUED courses;
  7. present a minimum 2.5 grade point average in specialization courses (major field of study);
  8. complete a successful interview with members of the Undergraduate Council, if a review of performance in foundation courses suggests weaknesses;
  9. join the Florida Music Educators Association (FMEA), the state affiliate of the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) which includes NAfME membership, and the Collegiate National Association for Music Education (CNAfME) chapter at Stetson;
  10. follow the degree audit planner (ALL students MUST meet with their education advisor every semester);
  11. obtain a copy of The Undergraduate Student Handbook;
  12. purchase a subscription to LiveText (department student management and assessment system).

Note: At any checkpoint within the student’s program, if there is a concern about the student’s appropriate progress, the student may be required to meet with an education faculty committee before continuing in the program. Background checks are required prior to any field placement.

Admission Review by the Undergraduate Council

After considering all of these requirements, the Undergraduate Council will determine whether an individual student will be admitted. The Council may choose not to admit a student based on an interview, even though other requirements have been satisfied. Admission also may be contingent upon availability of space within the program.

Students should apply for admission to Education at the Undergraduate Education Office during the first semester of their first year. Transfer students must apply during the first semester of their residence.

Admission to Student Teaching

Music Education students must apply for and be admitted to the student teaching internship, which is also called entering Tier 3.  Eligibility requirements for student teaching, or Tier 3,  include the following:

  1. gain admittance into the Approved Education Program;
  2. achieve satisfactory progress in the Danielson Domains;
  3. meet expectations on Assessment of Professional Expectations;
  4. complete the Student Teaching Application;
  5. provide evidence of a passing score on all of the Florida Teacher Certification Examinations (FTCE), Professional Exam, and Subject Area Exam, in teaching major by December 1st for Spring admission and May 1st for Fall admission;
  6. earn a grade of C or better in all credit-bearing EDUC and MUED courses;
  7. earn a grade point average of 2.5 or better in major content area and overall;
  8. obtain a satisfactory behavior recommendation from the Office of Campus Life at Stetson;
  9. pass fingerprinting clearance and drug screening, if required by county school boards.

Exit Requirements

In order to graduate from the University with a degree in music education, a student must satisfactorily complete the following requirements:

  1. earn a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or better;
  2. earn a grade of C or better in all credit-bearing EDUC and MUED courses;
  3. earn a grade point average of 2.5 or better in content teaching area;
  4. demonstrate satisfactory performance in Danielson Domains;
  5. demonstrate professional dispositions in all coursework and field experiences as outlined by the program.

For information on graduate degrees in Education, see the Graduate Programs/Arts and Sciences.