Attendance - Recitals, Concerts, and Cultural Events

Concert Attendance Degree Requirement

As part of their education, all music students should be exposed to and experience as audience members a broad range of musical repertories through attendance of recitals, concerts, opera and music theatre productions, and various other types of performances. Attendance at such events is expected of all music majors. In addition, all students pursuing the Bachelor of Music degree or the Bachelor of Arts (Music) degree are required to attend 80 Thursday afternoon student recitals (on average 10 per semester) for graduation; all students pursuing the Bachelor of Music Education degree are required to attend 70 Thursday afternoon student recitals (on average 10 per semester) for graduation. Every term, students are automatically registered for MUSC 100 (0 credits; no grade) to reserve the Thursday recital hour in their schedules. When attending the recital hour, students will scan their ID card, their attendance thus recorded and communicated to the Registrar’s Office and then transmitted to their Degree Audit. Students are encouraged to regularly monitor their recital attendance progress by way of Degree Audit.

Conflicts: If in a given semester, a student cannot attend Thursday recital hour because it conflicts with another university course required for the student’s degree, the student could request a one-semester substitution of the recital requirement through the office of the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs. To do so, the student fills out and signs the Recital Requirement Substitution Request Form, which commits the student to attending 10 non-Thursday recitals and/or concerts at Stetson that semester. The form is then submitted to the Assistant Dean for approval. It is the student’s responsibility to scan their ID when attending these substitute concerts.

Transfer students: for every 16 credits that a student brings through transfer and which are applied to their degree, the student receives credit for 10 recitals.

For all music degrees, the recital attendance degree requirement is the School of Music equivalent of the University cultural credit requirement. Music majors are not required to attend cultural credit events (though they are certainly encouraged). Thursday afternoon student recitals do not provide cultural credit for students in the College of Arts and Sciences and the School of Business Administration.

In addition to the Thursday afternoon recital attendance requirement, students may be required to attend other concerts, as follows: applied instructors reserve the right to require students enrolled in their studio classes to attend up to five (5) other Stetson concert events per semester. Attendance at these concerts is monitored by the applied instructor in the context of the applied course.