Recitals - Junior and Senior

Bachelor of Music, Orchestral Instrument, Voice, Organ, Piano, Guitar

  • A junior recital of 25 minutes of repertoire is required.
  • A senior recital of 50 minutes of repertoire is required.

Bachelor of Music, Theory Major

  • A junior recital of 25 minutes on the student’s primary instrument or voice is required.

Bachelor of Music, Composition Major

  • A junior recital of 25 minutes on the student’s primary instrument or voice is required. 
  • A senior recital of 25 minutes, comprising the student's compositions, is required.

Bachelor of Music Education; Bachelor of Music with Elective Studies in an Outside Field; Bachelor of Music with Emphasis in Business

  • A senior recital of 25 minutes on the student’s primary instrument or voice is required.

Bachelor of Arts, Music Major

  • A senior recital of 25 minutes on the student’s primary instrument or voice is required. This recital is in addition to the required Arts and Sciences senior project.

Any student whose prescribed curriculum does not require a 50-minute senior recital is free to request permission to present such a program. The request should be in the form of a brief letter to the student’s applied teacher prior to the applied jury the semester before the recital. If the teacher supports the request, they will make arrangements for a double-length jury and submit the request to the jury members. The jury renders the decision. The recital is also contingent upon the availability of an appropriate time in the university schedule.

Any student whose prescribed curriculum does not require the 25-minute junior recital is free to request permission to present such a program in the appropriate semester. The studio teacher makes this determination and arranges for the performance to take place during the studio class time.

Please visit: for recital forms.

Junior Recital

A student whose curriculum requires the junior recital must receive approval from the applied teacher as to recital readiness and the date of the performance.

Faculty can nominate students to perform their junior recital on Stetson Showcase day in Spring semesters, as part of the showcase. Student performers will be selected by a group of faculty as appointed by the Dean.

The student is responsible for printing the program for the junior recital. The program should be presented to the teacher for proofing and approval. The student, with the teacher’s approval, may choose to announce the program, with brief comments, in lieu of printing a program.

The student may publicize the recital in the student newspaper and with posters. The student may make arrangements to have the recital recorded; however, because of the large number of recitals held in Douglas Lee Chapel, the Recording crew will not be able to schedule recordings of junior recitals as part of their assigned duties.

Senior Recital: Major Recital Regulations

Senior Recital Hearing

Before performing the recital, the candidate must present the entire program as it will be performed for a faculty screening committee or jury composed of three faculty members. The applied teacher, in the role of chair, will set the time and place of the hearing, based on the schedule of performers and the faculty committee. The hearing must be passed at least two weeks prior to the scheduled recital date; therefore, it is advisable to schedule the hearing at least three weeks ahead so that, in the event the student fails to pass the hearing, a second hearing is possible before the two-week deadline. A second hearing will consist of the same faculty committee as the first. A third hearing will not be permitted during the same semester. Unanimous approval must be given, and publicity is not to be released until the hearing has been passed.

The student must read the Senior Recital Guidelines (found here: prior to the hearing and discuss the information with their applied teacher. At the recital hearing, the student must present three copies of the entire program, including program notes approved by the applied teacher. Illegal copies of copyrighted music are not allowed at any time in the School of Music. Recital hearings and public recitals may not take place with the use of such copies.

Senior Recital Scheduling

Senior Recitals are scheduled in the Office of the Dean in consultation with the applied teacher. The various forms required to schedule the recital (Teacher Approval, Publicity, Stage Crew, Recording) can be found here:  

Rescheduling Senior Recitals

Times for senior recitals will be assigned in the Music Office once a student has passed the hearing. In all cases (except for those that require extensive stage changes such as percussion or music technology), there will be 15 minutes between senior recitals. Once recital dates have been put on the calendar, they will not be changed except for emergency or health reasons. Rescheduling can be accomplished only by petition to and approval from the applied instructor and the Deans. Lack of preparation is not an acceptable reason for rescheduling.

Recording Senior Recitals

Arrangement for recording of senior recitals may be made through the Music Office.

Printed Program for Senior Recital

Take three copies of the approved program and notes to your hearing for committee approval. See the Senior Recital Guidelines for specific program information. You must e-mail it as a Microsoft Word attachment to the Music Office within 24 hours after a successful hearing. All programs for recitals must be printed by the Music Office. Senior recital program notes are to be prepared in collaboration with your studio teacher. The writing of program notes is a summative writing experience for music majors; therefore, care, editing and planning will be necessary. The Senior Recital Guidelines contain information and cost for printing. It is also the student’s responsibility to arrange for ushers to distribute the programs.

Additional Recital Information can be found in the Senior Recital Guidelines (