Security - Instruments and Ensemble Music

Instrument Security Policy

Applied instructors will be responsible for checking in and out university-owned instruments to students in their studios. Each instrument will be returned to the applied instructor at the end of each semester. Should the student wish to keep the instrument between fall and spring terms or over the summer break, a security deposit (determined by the value of the instrument, with $100.00 minimum), will be paid by the student to the School of Music.

At the end of each semester, the applied instructor will notify the Music Office of those students who have not returned their instruments. Those who fail to return instruments will receive an “I” or “F” in the course for which the instrument has been checked out (applied lesson, ensemble, or Instrumental Techniques). This grade will be changed to the appropriate grade when the instrument is returned. If the instrument is not returned by the first Monday after final exams, the student will be assessed the cost of the instrument plus a $25 processing/handling charge. If the instrument is returned in good repair after the deadline, the instrument charge will be dropped but the processing/ handling charge will still be due.

Ensemble Music Security Policy

Each ensemble conductor will be responsible for checking in and out university-owned music to students in their ensembles. At the end of each semester, students who have not returned their music will receive an “I” or “F” in the ensemble. This grade will be changed to the appropriate grade when the music is returned. If the music is not returned by the first Monday after final exams, the student will be assessed the cost of the scores plus a $15 processing/handling charge. If the music is returned in its original state, the music charge will be dropped but the processing/handling charge will still be due.