Major/Minor Declaration Policy

Declaring and Changing a Major

A student who wishes to declare or change a major should first consult with his or her academic advisor. The change may then be made in the office of the current academic Dean.  Students who have not chosen a major (Discovery) may choose to be in the College of Arts and Sciences or the School of Business Administration. Students must meet the course requirements for the major in effect at the time it is declared or changed; see Catalog Requirements for additional details. View Student Resources for Choosing/Changing Majors.

Declaring and Changing a Minor

A student who wishes to declare or change a minor should first consult with his or her academic advisor. The change may then be made using the Adding or Dropping a Minor online form available on the Registrar's Office Forms Page.

A student with declared minor(s), must have a 2.0 grade point average in the minor. In addition, all required courses for the minor must be met by the time of degree conferral to be awarded on a transcript. Minors that are not complete will not delay degree conferral and will be removed by the Office of the Registrar from the academic record.  

Students must meet the course requirements for the minor in effect at the time it is declared or changed; see Catalog Requirements for additional details. View Student Resources for Choosing/Changing Majors.

Declaring a Double Major or Dual Degree

Students with two majors in the same degree but with different fields of study (e.g. BA in two different fields) are pursuing a double major. Students with two majors in separate degrees (BBA, BA, BS, BM, BME) are pursuing a dual degree.

Students wishing to work toward a double major or dual degree are expected to fulfill the requirements for each major. Students should be aware that earning the credits required to complete both sets of requirements may require additional expense and time. Students should consult with academic advisors familiar with both majors before formally requesting a double major or dual degree. Where major requirements such as the senior project may be sufficiently similar, students may seek accommodation to register for and complete a single senior project that includes work appropriate for both major fields and meets the requirement for both majors. Chairs of the departments for both majors must approve any such accommodation. View Student Resources for Choosing/Changing Majors.