Grading Scale and Interpretation

Grade Point Average Calculation

Students’ cumulative grade-point averages are based on a four-point scale. Letter grades are assigned the numerical equivalents per credits listed below. Grades are carried to the third decimal and are not rounded.

A+ = 4.00 B- = 2.67 D = 1.00
A = 4.00 C+ = 2.33 D- = 0.67
A- = 3.67 C = 2.00 F = 0.00
B+ = 3.33 C- = 1.67 X = 0.00
B = 3.00 D+ = 1.33 W = 0.00

The grade-point average is determined by dividing the numerical equivalents of the grades earned by the total GPA credits, including all courses failed except for grades excluded under the Course Exclusion Policy. Recognize, however, that other universities, agencies, and employers may calculate GPA’s using all grades that appear on the transcript, including grades excluded. Only courses taken at Stetson will be used by the University in computing the student’s cumulative grade-point average.

See Academic Honors for the method of determining graduation honors.

Major GPA Calculation

A student’s Stetson major GPA is calculated from the earned grades in all courses that are used to satisfy a requirement for the major. If a course that is satisfying a requirement was failed on an earlier attempt, the failing grade is included unless a course exclusion is used for this course. If the major includes a choice of electives, courses will be selected that produce the highest major GPA.

Courses in the major are defined as:

  • College of Arts and Sciences- Courses required in the "Major Requirement" section under the degree requirements in the catalog.
  • School of Business- Courses required in the "Required Courses" and "Elective Course in the Major" sections under the degree requirements in the catalog.
  • School of Music- Courses required in the "Stetson Music Core" and "Major Requirements" sections under the degree requirements in the catalog.

Minor GPA Calculation

The Stetson minor GPA is calculated from the earned grades in all courses used to satisfy a requirement for the minor.  If a course that is satisfying a requirement was failed on an earlier attempt, the failing grade is included unless a course exclusion is used for this course. If the minor includes a choice of electives, courses will be selected that produce the highest minor GPA.

Courses in a minor major are defined as:

  • College of Arts and Sciences - Courses required in the "Requirements" section under the minor requirements in the catalog.
  • School of Business - Courses required in the "Required Courses" and "Elective Courses" sections under the minor requirements in the catalog.
  • School of Music - Courses required in the minor requirement section in the catalog.

Interpretation of Grades

Grades represent the instructor’s final estimate of the student’s performance in a course. The grade of A (+ or -) may be interpreted to mean that the instructor recognizes exceptional capacity and exceptional performance. The grade of B (+ or -) signifies that the student has gained a significantly more effective command of material than is generally expected in the course. The grade of C or C+ is the instructor’s certification that the student has demonstrated the required mastery of the material. A student is graded C- or D (+ or -) when his/her grasp of the course essentials is minimal. The F grade indicates failure to master the essentials and the necessity for repeating the course before credit may be earned. The following are additional grades that can be given:

I incomplete. This is the grade given when a student cannot complete the work of the course because of illness or other extenuating conditions, and the instructor’s academic Dean has approved an extension of time for the completion of a course. See: Incomplete Grade Policy elsewhere in Undergraduate Student Policy
P course passed. Credit is given. Does not affect grade-point average.
W an approved withdrawal from all courses at the University before mid-term. See the Academic Calendar for the actual date. No credit is earned and the grade-point average is not affected.
WP an approved withdrawal from all courses at the University after mid-term. The grade is given according to the instructor’s evaluation. No credit is earned and the grade-point average is not affected.
WF an approved withdrawal from all courses at the University after mid-term. The grade is given according to the instructor’s evaluation. No credit is earned, but the grade WF is treated as credits attempted and the grade-point average is affected.
X the grade received for the late drop of a course without academic penalty. No credit is earned and the grade-point average is not affected. The grade must be approved by the student’s academic Dean.
XF the grade received for the late drop of a course with academic penalty. No credit is earned, but the grade XF is treated as credits attempted and the grade-point average is affected. The grade must be approved by the student’s academic Dean.
NR grade not reported.