Communication and Media Studies

Student learning outcomes describe what students know, understand and are able to do as a result of completing a degree program. The learning outcomes for this program are:

  1. Students are able to create messages appropriate to the audience, purpose, and context including the ability to:
    • Locate and use information relevant to the goals, audiences, purposes, and contexts.
    • Select appropriate modalities and technologies to accomplish communicative goals.
    • Adapt messages to the diverse needs of individuals, groups, and contexts.
    • Critically reflect on one’s own messages after the communication event.
  2. Students are able to critically analyze messages including the ability to:
    • Identify meanings embedded in messages.
    • State a thesis based on identified meanings. 
  3. Students are able to apply ethical communication principles and practices including the ability to:
    • Identify ethical perspectives.
    • Articulate the ethical dimensions of a communication situation.
    • Propose solutions for (un)ethical communication.
    • Evaluate the ethical elements of a communication situation.
  4. Students are able to evaluate their communication such as the ability to:
    • Demonstrate awareness of the type and characteristics of communication they use to reach their goals.
    • Reflect on the effectiveness of their communication addressing goals, context, medium, and audience.
  5. Students are able to engage in public discourse, such as the ability to:
    • Evaluate local, national, and/or global issues from a communication perspective.

Major in Communication and Media Studies

Minor in Communication and Media Studies - 5 units

COMM 108Public Speaking1
COMM 200Introduction to Communication and Media Studies1
General Communication and Media Studies - Select one of the following:1
Communication and Media Ethics
Argumentation and Debate
Interpersonal Communication
Intercultural Communication (Can be used as a D course)
Critical Studies of Mass Media
Visual Communication
Independent Study *
Special Topics in Communication Studies
Research Methods in Communication and Media Studies - Select one unit from the following:1
Qualitative Theory and Methodology
Rhetorical Theory and Criticism
Media Theory and Analysis
Upper Division Communication and Media Studies - select one unit form the following:1
Classical Rhetoric
Rhetoric, Culture, and Identity
Gender in Communication
Organizational Communication
Health Communication
Food, Communication and Culture
Communication and Technology
Environmental Communication
Independent Study *
Special Topics in Communication Studies
Philosophy of Communication
Media, Nation, and (Im)Migration
History and Criticism of American Public Address
Independent Study *
Special Topics in Communication Studies *
Total Units5

Advising Course Plans

Communication and Media Studies Major

Plans for Transfer Students and Students Changing Their Major

Communication and Media Studies Major

Choi, Su Young
Associate Professor of Communication and Media Studies, 2017
BA, MA, Seoul National University
PhD, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Johnson, Erik
Associate Professor of Communication and Media Studies
BA, Indiana University - Bloomington
MA, PhD, Northwestern University

Kolupayeva, Olena
Assistant Professor of Practice in Journalism, 2022
MA, Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University - Ukraine
PhD, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University - Ukraine

Petrovic, Jelena
Associate Professor and Chair of Communication and Media Studies, 2013
BA, MA, Wichita State University
PhD, University of New Mexico

Schuwerk, Tara
Professor of Communication and Media Studies, 2008
BA, MA, University of Central Florida
PhD, Arizona State University

COMM 108. Public Speaking. 1 Unit.

Study of the principles of public address to include the preparation and delivery of various types of speeches. Offered in fall and spring semesters.

COMM 190. Special Topics in Communication Studies. 0.5 or 1 Units.

Intensive study of selected topics related to the Communication field. May be repeated for credit with different content.

COMM 200. Introduction to Communication and Media Studies. 1 Unit.

A gateway course to communication studies as a field of academic study. Students will be introduced to three traditions of inquiry in the field: qualitative communication studies, rhetorical studies, and media studies. Students will critically examine the role of communication practices within everyday life, including symbolic, political, and cultural dimensions, individual and group identity, and issues of power and agency. Generally offered in fall and spring semesters.

COMM 210V. Communication and Media Ethics. 1 Unit.

This course focuses on Stetson's Ethical and Spiritual Inquiry Value. An introductory exploration into the concepts of communicative choice and responsibility as they relate to specific problems and questions in communication and media. Generally offered in fall semesters.

COMM 216. Argumentation and Debate. 1 Unit.

A study of the theory and practices of practical argumentation and debate in the personal, technical, and public spheres.

COMM 221S. Interpersonal Communication. 1 Unit.

A study of the principles and application of verbal and nonverbal communication between people, and the effect of this communication on relationships and experience. Generally offered in fall and spring semesters.

COMM 228S. Intercultural Communication. 1 Unit.

A study of the issues which influence communication, including verbal and nonverbal interaction, analysis and understanding of context, problems of diversity, and ethical concerns. Can be used as a V course. Generally offered at least once a year.

COMM 231. Critical Studies of Mass Media. 1 Unit.

A critical survey of the various aspects of the mass media focusing on television, film, advertisement, new media, and music. Generally offered at least once a year.

COMM 241A. Visual Communication. 1 Unit.

A study of the ways in which visual texts are designed to communicate creatively and persuasively. Students will interpret and develop a critical understanding of a wide variety of visual artifacts. Attention will be given to the varying purposes visual texts and artifacts serve in cultures and how producers of visual texts and artifacts design their creations to communicate specific values and messages to audiences. Generally offered at least once a year.

COMM 285. Independent Study. 0.5 or 1 Units.

Independent studies are intended to provide an opportunity for students with strong interest and initiative to pursue the study of a specific topic. They are arranged by mutual agreement between faculty member and student. Before agreeing to supervise an independent study, ordinarily a faculty member will ask the student to present a clear, written proposal for the work to be completed. Does not count toward major or minor requirements. Only one independent study (COMM 285, COMM 385, or COMM 485) may count toward the requirements for the COMM major or minor. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

COMM 290. Special Topics in Communication Studies. 0.5 or 1 Units.

Intensive study of selected topics related to the Communication field. May be repeated for credit with different content.

COMM 301. Qualitative Theory and Methodology. 1 Unit.

An exploration of a variety of qualitative research approaches in communication studies, with emphasis on epistemology (ways of knowing), methodology (ways of examining), and representation (ways of writing and reporting). This course should be taken in the junior year in preparation for the senior research sequence. Generally offered in fall and spring semesters. Prerequisite: COMM 200 and at least one other 200-level COMM course.

COMM 302. Rhetorical Theory and Criticism. 1 Unit.

A study of modern theories of rhetoric and how these theories affect the practice of criticism. The course grounds students in theory and allows them to begin to construct theoretical models. Students then move to analyzing and critiquing public discourse. This course should be taken in the junior year in preparation for the senior research sequence. Generally offered in fall and spring semesters. Prerequisite: COMM 200 and at least one other 200-level COMM course.

COMM 303. Media Theory and Analysis. 1 Unit.

This course provides an opportunity for in-depth study of the media by equipping students with extensive knowledge of a range of analytical strategies often used for systematic interpretation and evaluation of media texts, processes, and institutions. The course combines methodological and theoretical perspectives with hands-on applications to cultivate literacy and understanding of the impact media have on contemporary civic life. This course should be taken in the junior year in preparation for the senior research sequence. Generally offered in fall and spring semesters. Prerequisite: COMM 201 and at least one other 200-level COMM course.

COMM 311. Classical Rhetoric. 1 Unit.

A study of ancient theories of rhetoric, providing an understanding and appreciation of rhetorical traditions within multiple global contexts and cultures, as well as a grounding for developing a modern theory of rhetoric and rhetorical criticism. Writing enhanced course. Generally offered at least once every four years.

COMM 314B. Rhetoric, Culture, and Identity. 1 Unit.

Rhetorical concepts will be applied to gaining a critical understanding of the role of language and symbols in the formation of cultures and identities. The course may be taught with varied emphases such as the role of rhetoric in the formation of regional, national, ethnic, gendered, visual, or online cultures and identities. Writing-intensive course. Generally offered at least once every two years.

COMM 321V. Gender in Communication. 1 Unit.

This course focuses on Stetson's Human Diversity Value. A study of the relationship between gender and communication theory and practice. Generally offered at least once every two years.

COMM 325. Organizational Communication. 1 Unit.

A study of the theory and practice of internal and external organizational communication.

COMM 327V. Health Communication. 1 Unit.

This course focuses on Stetson's Health and Wellness Value. This course provides an introduction to the field of health communication, including origins and development, and an overview of several areas of the field such as information technologies in health communication, social support, the social construction of health, illness & health narratives, client-provider communication, and communication in health-care organizations. Concerned with issues in the theory and practice of health communication, this seminar is a study of communication roles in health, including the relationship between health communication and well-being. Service-learning in the community is integrated into the design of the class.

COMM 328B. Food, Communication and Culture. 1 Unit.

This course specifically addresses food as communication/communication as food in the areas of food discourse, social identities, social & cultural values, environmental issues, and relationships (interpersonal & organizational). We will consider and analyze the various relationships between communication and food and the influence on society. Generally offered at least once every two years.

COMM 333. Communication and Technology. 1 Unit.

This course examines the relationship between technology and human communication with the goal of understanding how technology changes not only how we communicate, but how we understand concepts such as human nature, community, relationships, value, and the future. Generally offered at least once every two years.

COMM 335V. Crime and Punishment in Media. 1 Unit.

This course examines media and cultural representations of criminality, illegality, dangerousness, terror, violence, and deviance as well as the impact of these representations on societal, political, and legal responses to criminal acts. To that end, students will survey different critiques and theories of social construction of crime, justice, and social order. Equipped with these tools they will evaluate the context for these processes and how they affect historical and contemporary public debates about topics such as immigration, public health, protest and social unrest, threats to the nation-state, and reproductive rights. Junior Seminar. Generally offered at least once every three years.

COMM 336V. Food and Nutrition in the Media. 1 Unit.

This course focuses on Stetson's Health and Wellness Value. Does the communication messages about food and nutrition portrayed in the media shape how we define and make choices for our health? Through critical analysis of the media and cultural performance (gender, race, class, sexuality, age), this seminar is designed to explore possible influences on our perceptions of food and nutrition and how, in turn, this may affect our well-being. This class will examine print/film/television and other media and communication forms as they pertain to these ideas. Junior Seminar. Generally offered once every three years.

COMM 339V. Rhetoric of War Films. 1 Unit.

This course focuses on Stetson's Social Justice Value. A rhetorical study of pro- and anti-war films to include examination of the social impact of artistic discourse. Students will critically investigate and analyze the theory and practice of film and rhetoric. Junior Seminar. Generally offered at least once every three years.

COMM 359V. Gender, Sexuality, and Reality in Media. 1 Unit.

This course focuses on Stetson's Human Diversity Value. A critical examination of media in American culture, including film, literature, and television, considering how it is constructed and what it communicates about sex, gender, and sexuality. May be cross-listed with AMST 359V. Junior Seminar. Generally offered at least once every three years.

COMM 367V. Environmental Communication. 1 Unit.

his course focuses on Stetson's Environmental Responsibility Value. This course will develop the ability to think critically about the way humans communicate about their varied relationships to the Earth. A sense of the history of environmental communication will be gained through analysis of texts by conservationists. An understanding of contemporary communication related to the Earth will be gained through analysis of the texts and contexts of environmental controversies, disasters, and policy debates. Generally offered at least once a year.

COMM 385. Independent Study. 0.5 or 1 Units.

Independent studies are intended to provide an opportunity for students with strong interest and initiative to pursue the study of a specific topic. They are arranged by mutual agreement between faculty member and student. Before agreeing to supervise an independent study, ordinarily a faculty member will ask the student to present a clear, written proposal for the work to be completed. Only one independent study (COMM 285, COMM 385, or COMM 485) may count toward the requirements for the COMM major or minor. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

COMM 390. Special Topics in Communication Studies. 0.5 or 1 Units.

May be repeated for credit. Intensive study of selected topics related to the Communication field. May be repeated for credit with different content.

COMM 395. Teaching Apprenticeship. 0.5 Units.

Pass/Fail only. A teaching apprenticeship provides an opportunity for a student with especially strong interest and ability in a given subject area to achieve an even deeper understanding by facilitating implementation of a course. Students may be involved in, but not limited to, class observations, goals and strategies discussions with the instructor, and some teaching responsibilities in and out of the classroom. The student also acts as a resource for students for reinforcement of key concepts. The apprenticeship is arranged by mutual agreement between the faculty member and the student. Such an experience is especially beneficial for students interested in oral communication, teaching and academia. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. May be repeated once.

COMM 397. Internship in Communication and Media Studies. 0.5 or 1 Units.

Pass/Fail only. This course allows the student to complete an internship in an area related to communication or media. Depending on credit awarded, students will be required to work 70 or 140 hours at the internship site, present an evaluative daily journal, a paper and/or a portfolio, and a letter of evaluation from the field supervisor. Prerequisites: Permission of instructor, at least junior standing as a COMM major or minor. May be repeated for credit up to 2 units, but a maximum of 1 unit may be applied to the major. Offered in fall, spring, and summer. Enrollment in an internship course requires students to attend an orientation prior to beginning work at their internship site. For more information regarding internship orientations, please contact Career & Professional Development at or 386-822-7315.

COMM 411. Philosophy of Communication. 1 Unit.

A study of the philosophical underpinnings of rhetoric and communication, leading to the construction of communication theory. Designed for the student who has had previous experience in the study of communication. Writing enhanced course. Generally offered at least once every two years.

COMM 430B. Media, Nation, and (Im)Migration. 1 Unit.

This course analyzes and evaluates the role of media in creation and reinforcement of national identities and culture in the context of global, national, regional, and local migrations. Specifically, the course will examine how media communicate various issues related to (im)migration and in the process invite identification and disidentification with specific national ideologies, values, and collective identities. Generally offered at least once every two years.

COMM 444. History and Criticism of American Public Address. 1 Unit.

A study of prominent discourse in American political, social, and intellectual life as examined in historical, analytical, and critical contexts. Generally offered at least once every three years.

COMM 485. Independent Study. 0.5 or 1 Units.

Independent studies are intended to provide an opportunity for students with strong interest and initiative to pursue the study of a specific topic. They are arranged by mutual agreement between faculty member and student. Before agreeing to supervise an independent study, ordinarily a faculty member will ask the student to present a clear, written proposal for the work to be completed. Only one independent study (COMM 285, COMM 385, or COMM 485) may count toward the requirements for the COMM major or minor. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

COMM 490. Special Topics in Communication Studies. 1 Unit.

Intensive study of selected topics related to the Communication field. May be repeated for credit with different content.

COMM 498. Senior Proposal. 0.5 or 1 Units.

This course is an introduction to Senior Project (COMM 499). It includes completion and successful defense of a written senior project proposal and is required of all students in the major. Prerequisites: Two of the following: COMM 301, COMM 302, COMM 303 and at least one other 300-or 400-level COMM course. Offered in fall semester only.

COMM 499. Senior Project. 1 Unit.

In this course, students execute the senior project they proposed in COMM 498. Students will present the findings of their studies in an oral presentation and in a written report. This course should be taken in the senior year. Offered in spring semester only. Prerequisite: COMM 498.