Social Science

Student learning outcomes describe what students know, understand, and are able to do as a result of completing a degree program. The learning outcomes for this program are:

  1. Define/describe major concepts, theories, and principles from content domains and apply them to illustrate or explain social science phenomena.
  2. Critically evaluate relevant scholarly social science sources of information and integrate evidence from multiple sources to draw conclusions about social science phenomena.
  3. Apply appropriate social science research methodological tools to analyze and explain social science processes and outcomes and/or to critique existing explanations or methodologies.
  4. Design and execute an original, ethical social science research study to address significant questions in content domains.
  5. Write clear, concise scholarly social scientific prose in a manner consistent with current disciplinary standards.

Social Science Majors

Advising Course Plan

Core, Rachel
Associate Professor and Chair of Sociology and Anthropology
BA, Carleton University
MSc , University of London
PhD, Johns Hopkins University

Auyong, Zenta
Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology
BA, Stetson University
MA, PhD, University of Florida

Servigna, Ana
Visiting Assistant Professor of Anthropology
BArch, MS, Zulia State University, Venezuela
PhD, Syracuse University

Smith, Sven
Associate Professor of Sociology
BA, Stetson University
JD, Florida State University
MA, PhD, University of Chicago

SSCI 200S. Introduction to Social Science Theories and Methods. 1 Unit.

This course introduces students to core Social Science theories and methodologies. By analyzing foundational works across the social science disciplines, this course develops students’ understanding of both social scientific theory and how individuals and societies can become objects of empirical analysis through qualitative and quantitative methods.

SSCI 396. Research Apprenticeship. 0.5 or 1 Units.

SSCI 397. Internship in Social Science. 1 Unit.

Letter-graded or pass/fail. This course provides an opportunity for students to enrich their classroom experiences by exploring a substantive area of sociology in an approved setting. Full-unit internships require 140 hours for the semester. The student intern and supervising instructor negotiate the setting, structure, requirements, and outcomes and outline them in a contract signed by the student. Basic expectations include field notes; a research paper, project, or other appropriate work product; and a letter of evaluation from the site supervisor. Prerequisite: Major status, and permission of instructor. Enrollment in an internship course requires students to attend an orientation prior to beginning work at their internship site. For more information regarding internship orientations, please contact the Office of Career and Professional Development at or 386-822-7315.