Bachelor of Arts in History

All students in the College of Arts and Sciences must meet General Education requirements in addition to specific requirements within the major area of study.

Each student must complete at least four writing or writing enhanced (WE) courses to complete the University Writing Requirement. At least two of these courses must be from General Education. Based upon Admissions application information, students may be placed in ENGL 100; ENGL 100 will count toward the Writing requirement if completed with a minimum grade of C.

A single course may not be used to meet more than one of the General Education requirements, but a single course may count toward a General Education requirement and the student’s major or minor requirements, as well as count as a Writing Enhanced course in the Writing requirement. Students should check with their advisor regarding the eligibility of transfer credits to meet General Education requirements after students have enrolled at Stetson. A key component of a liberal education is to learn about the modes of inquiry from a diverse set of disciplines, so no more than 3 courses used to meet General Education requirements may come from a single department and at least 16 of the 32 units required for graduation must come from departments outside the department of the major.

For many majors, certain courses outside the major field of study are required. These courses are called “collateral requirements.”

A student majoring in Education may count among the 32 units as many in the major as are required for completion of an approved program for teacher certification by the State of Florida.

Foundations 1
Writing Requirement
FSEM 100First Year Seminar1
Quantitative Reasoning (any Q course)1
Junior Seminar1
Knowledge of Human Cultures and the Natural World
Select five of the following: 25
Creative Arts (any A course, or 4 - MUSC, MUSA or MUSE credit courses)
Culture and Belief (any B course)
Historical Inquiry (any H course)
Individuals, Societies, and Social Systems (any S course)
Modern Languages (any L course)
Physical and Natural World (any P course)
Personal and Social Responsibility
Select any 'Stetson Values (V)' course1
Total Units9

Cultural Events/Campus Engagement

In addition to completing 32 course units, students join Stetson's intellectual and creative life outside the classroom by participating in at least 24 approved cultural events at Stetson. These events include lectures by distinguished visitors, musical performances, plays, and art shows. Students may also view the list of approved cultural events3 under Calendar of Events at and selecting Deland Campus.


Foundation courses may not be taken pass/fail.


1 unit each from 5 out of the 6 areas.


The Calendar of Events for the Deland campus identifies Cultural Events as those marked with a turquoise blue colored square in the lower-left corner of the event block.

Public History Concentration

This concentration will help students interested in pursuing public history careers to enter graduate school or the market with some training in the field. Public historians are in many ways a community’s connection to history. Those trained in public history become museum and historical agency/society professionals, historical interpreters, cultural resource managers, private consultants in planning, community projects and conservation, restoration experts, historical archaeologists, and archivists.

Public History Courses
HIST 292SIntroduction to Public History1
ARTH 365Collection Management1
HIST 397Internship in History0.5 or 1
HIST 485Independent Study (Self-Designed Museum Exhibition) *1
Select two additional course from the following:2
American Consumer Culture
The 1950's and 1960's
Southern History and Culture in the United States, 1800-Present
Tango,Telenovelas,Taco Trucks
Anthropology of Food
Topics in Global Art History
Art History Survey I: From Prehistory to 14th Century (Can be used as an H course)
Art History Survey II: From Renaissance to Post-Impressionism (Can be used as an H course)
Art Market and Institutions
Exhibition Concept Development and Design
Curating Visual Culture
Visual Communication
Digital Art Fundamentals
Web Design
Digital Photography
Introduction to Maps and Geographic Information Systems
Cultural and Political Ecology
Social Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurial Management
English Historical Landscape
The Holocaust
Crossroads of Empire (Junior Seminar)
Global Migration and Diasporas
Scenic Artistry
Total Units5.5-6

Proposal must be reviewed by the Coordinator of the Public History Concentration in advance of beginning the project before the HIST 485 Independent Study can be counted towards the Concentration.