Gender Studies

  1. Explain the role of gender and gender identity in shaping people’s lived experiences and analyze the intersection of gender with other aspects of identity, including race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, social class, and historical and cultural context. 
  2. Explain major theories, concepts, and findings from the interdisciplinary field of gender studies
  3. Apply feminist theoretical frameworks and appropriate methodological techniques to address a question of relevance to gender studies. 
  4. Speak and write clearly and concisely in a manner that effectively communicates information to an interdisciplinary audience.

Minor in Gender Studies - 5 units

Core Course
GEND 100VStudies in Gender, Race, Class, and Sexuality in the US1
or GEND 200V Global Perspectives on Women and Gender
GEND 400Research Seminar1
PHIL 309VFeminist Philosophy1
Two gender studies-related courses from two different academic disciplines and approved by the GS Director2
(may include GEND 300-level courses up to one unit. Two ½ unit courses count as one course unit)
Total Units5

GEND 100V. Studies in Gender, Race, Class, and Sexuality in the US. 1 Unit.

This course focuses on Stetson's Human Diversity Value. An interdisciplinary introduction to major categories that structure consciousness as well as social, intellectual, and personal experience. Emphasizes the extent to which analyses of gender must be simultaneous with those of race, class, and sexuality; demonstrates how intersecting categories of identity work historically and systematically to produce different experiences for members of various social groups. Focuses on structures of inequality and on the effects of power, privilege, and oppression on individuals and society.

GEND 190. Special Topics in Gender Studies. 1 Unit.

GEND 200V. Global Perspectives on Women and Gender. 1 Unit.

This course focuses on Stetson's Human Diversity Value. This course is an interdisciplinary introduction which takes a global perspective on women's issues, gender equality and feminism around the world. Topics may include: citizenship, national feminist movements, sustainability, work, women's rights as human rights, health and reproductive rights, sexuality and sexual rights, and women in politics, religion, and globalization.

GEND 285. Independent Study. 0.5 or 1 Units.

GEND 290. Special Topics in Gender Studies. 1 Unit.

This course focuses on the intersectionality between gender and other socio-cultural concerns. Are the politics, customs, and policy surrounding this issue fair? Is the “playing field” level? Topics may include, for example, gender and the environment, gender and cultural production canon formation, gender and science, gender and education and others.

GEND 290V. Special Topics Gender Studies. 1 Unit.

GEND 300. Gender and Film. 0.5 Units.

Examines relationships between gender and genre in film and visual representation. Topics change annually and might focus on women’s film making and the way the camera represents gender and sexuality, on questions of gender construction in domestic and international films, or on intersections of gender, race, class, and sexuality in specific film genres (Classical, Hollywood, avant-garde, documentary). May be repeated for credit with a different instructor or topic and applied to the GS minor. GEND 300 may not constitute more than one unit toward the minor.

GEND 350. Social Issues. 0.5 Units.

Examines a range of contemporary gender issues. Topics change each year and may include gay or lesbian history; women’s health; the gender construction of children; the glass ceiling; gender roles in music; gender, race, and sports; or gender, race, and religion. May be repeated for credit with a different instructor or topic and applied to the GS minor. GEND 350 may not constitute more than one unit toward the minor.

GEND 385. Independent Study. 0.5 or 1 Units.

GEND 390. Special Topics in Gender Studies. 1 to 1.25 Unit.

GEND 395. Teaching Apprenticeship. 0.5 Units.

Pass/Fail only. Gender Studies minors or other qualified students may be invited to co-teach GEND 100. Apprentices will work closely with faculty and assist in duties that may include course planning, course presentations, and mentoring students through feedback on oral and written work. Teaching apprenticeships may not constitute more than one unit toward the minor. By permission of the instructor. May be repeated once.

GEND 397. Internship in Gender Studies. 0.5 or 1 Units.

An opportunity to explore a gender issue in an applied setting. Setting, structure, requirements, and outcomes are negotiated with the instructor, but generally include relevant readings, 70 (0.5 unit) or 140 (1 unit) hours of work in an approved community setting, and creative or critical analyses (e.g., journals, a portfolio, and/or research paper) that apply and integrate theoretical and experiential insights in ways that are consistent with Gender Studies Program criteria, goals, and coursework. May be repeated for credit with a different instructor or topic and applied to the Gender Studies minor. Internships may not constitute more than one unit toward the minor. Enrollment in an internship course requires students to attend an orientation prior to beginning work at their internship site. For more information regarding internship orientations, please contact Career & Professional Development at or 386-822-7315.

GEND 400. Research Seminar. 1 Unit.

An intensive reading, writing, and discussion-focused interdisciplinary course that explores in depth central concepts and theories in gender studies. The focus for the seminar changes depending on the instructor, but the course always requires students to synthesize and apply their knowledge from the Gender Studies minor, pursue an independent research project related to course themes that demonstrates students’ facility with Gender Studies approaches, and carry out interdisciplinary scholarship. Prerequisites: GEND 100V and junior standing, or permission of instructor. Offered every third semester.

GEND 485. Independent Study. 0.5 or 1 Units.

GEND 490. Special Topics in Gender Studies. 1 Unit.