Incomplete Grade Policy

A grade of Incomplete (I) is given when a student cannot complete the work of the course because of illness or other extenuating conditions, and the instructor’s academic Dean has approved an extension of time for the completion of a course. There is an expectation that the student has been able to complete a substantial portion of the total work required for the course.

The student is not required to be enrolled to work on finishing the course. The coursework must be completed by the agreed-upon date between the faculty member and student or two weeks prior to the last day of classes in the next academic session of enrollment (excluding summer term); but in all cases, it must be removed within 24 months from the date issued regardless of enrollment status; otherwise the I becomes an F.  Note, an I grade cannot be removed by repeating the course.

A grade of Incomplete (I) has no impact on the grade-point average (GPA) calculation.  Since the determination of academic standing is based on the cumulative GPA, there is no impact on academic standing.  A student may improve the cumulative GPA to a level high enough to avoid suspension or dismissal by submitting work to change an Incomplete (I) into a standard letter grade but must do so prior to the deadline set for appealing the suspension or dismissal.

In general, the student initiates the request for an Incomplete by completing the upper portion of the form that is available on the Registrar’s Forms Page and giving it to the instructor. The course instructor may start the process in situations where it is impractical for the student to do so in a timely manner. If the course instructor supports the request, then the instructor will tell the student what work will be accepted through the Incomplete and discuss the deadlines for that work. The instructor completes the part of the form listing the work and deadlines, and forwards it to the Dean for review and approval. In general, the request should be made prior to the start of exams for the semester, but in all cases should be completed prior to the deadline for submission of the final grades for the course.